~ i ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedication ...................................................................................................................................... v How to Use This Book ................................................................................................................... vi Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 1: The Journey ................................................................................................................ 3 In The Beginning ................................................................................................... 3 Psalm 91 ............................................................................................................... 4 My Thoughts on Personal Experiences ................................................................ 9 Chapter 2: My Experiences with the Devils a. Attacked in the Mouth ................................................................................... 11 b. Attacked in My Physical Body ........................................................................ 11 c. Attacked in the Mind ..................................................................................... 11 The Devils ................................................................................................................. 12 All Hell Breaks Loose................................................................................................. 13 a. A Negative Story ............................................................................................ 15 b. A Positive Story ............................................................................................. 15 My Other Experiences .............................................................................................. 15 One of the Holy Spirit’s Solution to a Devil Problem ............................................... 18 After Thoughts .......................................................................................................... 18 Chapter 3: Believer’s List of What Not to Do ............................................................................. 21 Scripture References .......................................................................................... 23 Two Visions of Jesus Christ ................................................................................. 25 Visions of Hell ..................................................................................................... 25 Chapter 4: The Holy Spirit’s Step-by-Step Recipes ..................................................................... 28 A Quick Reference Guide to the Recipes.................................................................. 29 Prepare Before the Battle ........................................................................................ 30 The Holy Spirit’s Recipes List: 1. Yell Out Jesus’ Name ...................................................................................... 30 2. Think the Name of Jesus ................................................................................ 30 3. Quote Spiritual Warfare Scriptures ............................................................... 31 4. Bind Up the Enemy ........................................................................................ 33 5. Ask For Divine Help ........................................................................................ 33 6. Plead the Blood of Jesus ................................................................................ 34 ~ ii ~ 7. Prayer ............................................................................................................. 36 8. Fasting ............................................................................................................ 38 9. Remind Satan That He Is A Defeated Foe ...................................................... 40 10. Build Yourself Up And Stay Strong ................................................................. 41 11. Sing Worship Songs To God ........................................................................... 41 12. Record Gospel Music ..................................................................................... 42 13. Listen to the Bible .......................................................................................... 42 14. Let the Devil Know Who You Are In Christ .................................................... 44 15. Guard Your Thought Life ................................................................................ 45 16. Begin To Think Spiritually ............................................................................... 46 One Last Word of Warning ....................................................................................... 49 NOTES TO RECIPES....................................................................................................................... 52 Demonic Attack ........................................................................................................ 52 Be Aware .................................................................................................................. 55 Quote Spiritual Warfare Scriptures .......................................................................... 55 Three Examples of the Power of the Blood of Jesus ................................................ 56 Prayer ....................................................................................................................... 58 Fasting ...................................................................................................................... 61 Pornography ............................................................................................................. 62 Guard Your Thought Life .......................................................................................... 64 Last Words ................................................................................................................................... 67 Sample Prayers............................................................................................................................. 68 Contact Information ..................................................................................................................... 69 About the Authors ....................................................................................................................... 70 ~ iii ~ COPYRIGHT ©2012 All Rights Reserved. Aaron B. & Sheryl T. Williams P. O. Box 212776 Columbia, S. C. 29221 ALL SCRIPTURES ARE QUOTED FROM THE KING JAMES VERSION BIBLE. ~ iv ~ Dedication I want to give honor to the following: - God The Father: I thank God the Father for being who HE is. HE is worthy to be praised. - The Lord Jesus Christ: I thank God for Jesus. For being my personal Lord and Savior. For dying for me on the cross, shedding His precious Blood and baptizing me with the Holy Ghost. Thank you Lord Jesus. - The Holy Spirit: I thank the Holy Spirit for teaching me about Jesus Christ. I thank Him for blessing me with some of His spiritual gifts. I thank Him for helping my husband and I to write this book, because we could not have done it without Him. ~ v ~ How To Use This Book This book is divided into three major parts: Part I, pp. 1-27. Contains the dedication, background and general information, and beginning experiences in spiritual warfare. Part II, pp. 28-51. Contain the Holy Spirit’s recipes to use when you are under demonic attack. This section is designed for those who are experiencing a problem right now and need to find out quickly what to do, right now!!! Part III, pp. 52-68. Additional Information. Provides additional insights to the recipes in Part II. If you are experiencing a spiritual problem with the demonic, turn to Part II and begin your reading there. ~ vi ~ INTRODUCTION My name is Sheryl Thaxton Williams. I’m a pastor’s wife and in this book I will share with you some of my experiences in spiritual warfare. We will also give you some of the Holy Spirit’s solutions for demonic attacks and items for you to do in preparing you before the enemy attacks you, your family, and friends. My husband and I wrote this book for three reasons: 1. From the increasing number of emergency phone calls and personal contacts, we are tired of the way the devils are beating up on the Body of Christ. We feel that some of the believer’s in the Body of Christ seriously need help in knowing exactly what to do when they are under demonic attack, and how to resolve these problems. We want to expose the devil, his imps, and his tactics against the Body of Christ and to encourage you. 2. In addition, there are numerous churches that will not teach spiritual warfare. My husband and I have found that many in leadership seem to be afraid of the devils and do not preach about how to stop their attacks. They refuse to touch the subject in a real way while in the pulpit or even in their personal lives. They might mention the name “devils” in some sermons but no solid teaching concerning how to stop the devil in his tracks. My husband has had ministers either imply or directly tell him that they want nothing to do with devils, deliverance, and spiritual warfare. There is a Christian denomination in this country that teaches its members that they don’t have to deal in these realms, that if they don’t think or talk about the devil, he’ll leave them alone. What folly!!! Ask Adam and Eve if the devil left them alone. They were doing just fine. They were minding their own business. Did the devil leave them alone? The devil will leave you alone…what foolishness!!! You better learn how to stop the devils! The Bible has many wonderful things to say, but it also informs the whole world about the fact that devils do exist, that they can talk and they’re out only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy human beings because human beings are made in the image of God and the devils hate God. 3. The Bible says, “For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.” (Acts 20:27). It is the responsibility of the church leadership to teach all the Bible, not just the pleasant parts. If you are a pastor, minister, or in any leadership position in the church and you cannot teach the whole counsel of God, then you don’t need to be in the ministry of God. We have too many people going to hell or on their way to hell because you want to soft pedal concerning the devils! We have too many young people ~ 1 ~ including ministers committing suicide because you won’t teach them how to guard their mind from the attacks of the evil one. For you who refuse to teach your people the truth about the devil, you convinced my husband and myself, to write this book to all those you refuse to teach. It is our intention to give the precious saints of God, the counsel you won’t give them, in order for them to survive the attacks of the devils and to find the peace they are so desperately searching for when attacked. If you are reading this book because you’re looking for answers to a problem you’re having with the devils right now, please turn to chapter four and read it. You can always return and resume reading the other chapters later. ~ 2 ~ CHAPTER 1 – THE JOURNEY In January 2000, the Lord Jesus Christ took me through two and one half years of deep spiritual warfare with the enemy during the weekdays before I awaken to go to work and some Saturday mornings. The warfare and attacks would always happen early in the morning 4:30-6:00 a.m. When I first started out in warfare it was happening to me everyday especially for the years 2000 and 2001. The warfare began to cease 2-3 days a week for the year 2002 to the latter part of 2003. In the year of 2004 the warfare was rare and the demonic attacks had completely stopped, for a season. I would also like to say that prior to January 2000, before I started my journey into spiritual warfare with the enemy, I was seeing into the spiritual realm but because I was inexperienced, I did not know what was going on and what was happening to me. I did not know I had the gift of discerning of spirits. There was much I didn’t know. Before he retired, my husband, then the Pastor of the Holy Ghost Regeneration Station Church, in Crandall, Texas would always leave the house for work at 4:30 a.m. The enemy and his imps knew my husbands schedule and would attack me after he would leave the house to go to work. The devil and his imps would walk through the walls of my master bedroom and other times show their faces to me in my bedroom ceiling. When the devils came through the walls of my bedroom their intention was to harass me, intimidate me, torment me, and frighten me. But, thank God for the Holy Spirit. The Bible says, “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” (1 John 4:4) Again, I would like to say, “THANK YOU” to the Holy Spirit because I could not win the victory over the devil if it wasn’t for Him warning me before the enemy came, strengthening me for battle, giving me holy boldness, opening up my spiritual eyes so I could see what was happening in my bedroom, bringing scriptures back to my remembrance, and giving me instructions on what to do, how to do it, and what to say. IN THE BEGINNING At first, when I found out I had to go through this test of spiritual warfare, I did not want to go through it. I could not understand so I would ask, “Why me Lord?” I also asked other more mature believers why and the responses I always got back from my husband, and other believer’s was “why not you.” My husband, and the other believer’s would sit me down and assure me that spiritual warfare was something that I had to go through. It is God’s will for us to learn how to resist the devils. They encouraged my heart and let me know that God would take care of me and bring me out victorious in Him, and for me not to be afraid because God would protect me. I heard what they were saying but at that time I still did not want to go ~ 3 ~ through this test or trial because I knew what and who I would be dealing with (Satan and the devils.) I spent time seeking the Lord in prayer about this situation and finally gave in and said to the Lord, if this is what you want me to do, I’ll do it.” There was no way for me to get out of this because I believed it was God’s intention for me to go through this whether I wanted to or not. This was already predestined in my life before God created me and He knew the exact time when I would have to go through this test. I also realized in my heart that I really wanted to go through it because I wanted to please Him. What really helped me in getting prepared for my journey was seeing the “Blood” of Jesus and Psalm 91 in the Bible. For the first couple of months at the beginning of spiritual warfare when I would wake up in the mornings before getting up out of bed I would see the “Blood” of Jesus in the wood grain border around the top part of the ceiling in the bedroom. I believe in my heart the Lord Jesus was showing me His “Blood” to let me know that I was covered in it and for me not to be afraid. At first, when I was going through I was a little afraid until my husband who was very patient with me, sat me down with the Bible and took me to Psalm 91 to show me who I am and what I have in Christ Jesus. He also let me know that Jesus Christ is my protector, that I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus, that I’m covered in the “Blood” of Jesus, and no hurt, harm, or danger would prosper against me because I’m a child of God. From that day forward, I would read Psalm 91 over and over again until my spirit man was strengthened, until I knew without a doubt in my heart that God is my protector, and I felt confidence build up within me. Psalm 91 really helped me before going into warfare. In your Bible, turn and read Psalm 91 slowly and carefully letting what God says to you sink into your mind and spirit. Psalm 91 1. “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” The secret place of the most high is His presence. Listen carefully. If you want to obtain to this place, it is necessary that you enter His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: you need to be thankful unto Him, and bless His name (Psa. 100). Listen, the secret to obtaining this place is to continually, (that means nonstop) all day long, all night long as long as you are awake, Thank Him for everything, He has given you and permits in your life! If you maintain this atmosphere, and love Him with your whole heart, you will be enveloped in His presence! ~ 4 ~ 2. “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust.” Please stop reading and say, out loud, with your mouth: God is my refuge and my fortress. I trust Him with my life! I trust Him with all of my heart. I’m “all in” with God. Mean it, really mean it. Don’t be half way with God! 3. “Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.” Many people read these verses too fast. Slow down and let these truths sink down into your spirit. Say, out loud, “God will deliver me!!” Say it. Believe it. “God will deliver me!!” Know, even in your heart that Jesus is your deliverer. No matter what you face or what you might get yourself into, you must come to know that the Lord Jesus is greater than any problem and, He will deliver you! 4. “He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler.” Please stop reading and say: “ God covers me and I am protected. I walk in the truth!” Believe that you are “covered” just because He said so. Any trouble, that comes, He shall cover you! You might not see it but you can believe it because He said it!!! 5. “Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day.” Boldly say out loud, “God is with me, I am not afraid!” When you spend time with Him, you can sense His presence and nearness. You will know that He is with you and for you. If God be for you, you won’t experience “TERROR!” While going through your trials, you might not understand or have all the answers to what is going on, and you might be uncomfortable, troubled and even experience some pain, but “TERROR”…..NO!!! 6. “Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.” 7. “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.” Say out loud, “Destruction does not come near me!!! (If it “FEELS” good to you, say it again and again.) ~ 5 ~ 8. “Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.” God says you will see the reward of the wicked! That’s to let you know that wickedness does not pay off in this world or the world to come. We sometimes wonder why God lets the wicked get away with so much wickedness. In actuality, they just get by for a while, they never get away because the eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good. In His time all the wicked experience sudden destruction, but what they experience, will never come near you! 9. “Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High thy habitation;” (Important: you have to make God your habitation!) A habitation is the place where you live. Walk with God, talk with God, think about God, live with Him day in and day out. 10. “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.” Say out loud, “THERE SHALL NO EVIL BEFALL ME!” You have to know who you are. You are not your body. You are a spirit, that has a soul and you live in a body. Again, you are not your body, therefore, no evil can touch you or befall you! No plague shall come near you. Believe it because it’s true!!! 11. “For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” Say, out loud: “God’s angels have charge over me. They keep me in all my ways. Thank you, Jesus!” 12. “They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.” Say out loud: “GOD”S ANGELS LOOK OUT FOR ME!” 13. “Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.” Say, “THE DEVIL IS UNDER MY FEET!” 14. “Because He hath set His love upon me, therefore will I deliver Him: I will set Him on High because He hath known my name.” ~ 6 ~ IMPORTANT: a. SET your heart, your love upon God! If you don’t LIKE God, or are offended at Him for some reason, or just cold towards Him, ask Him to forgive you, and give you a heart of love towards Him. b. Make sure you know God’s name. If you call upon the right name to be saved, He can take you up to heaven. Throughout the ages, God has revealed to men many of His names, but the last revelation of His name is ”JESUS” – the Christ (Matthew 1:16, 21, 23, 25.) The one who is ALIVE and with us! If you believe on THAT name, He will save you and set you on High (Heaven). 15. “He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver Him, and honour him.” (God, will answer you! God will be with you. God will deliver you, honor you and save you!!!) 16. “With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation…” If you will mediate on these truths, speak them to yourself out loud, and let them sink into your spirit, fear will leave and victory will arrive! The Bible says, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) If you want more faith, hear more of the Word of God. Speak the truths of Psalm 91 over and over again to yourself. My husband told me that God gave him the revelation that people have fear because they do not have enough Word in them. Don’t be afraid of the devils. Meditate on Psalm 91, Psalm 121 and other scriptures and fear will just leave you. The Bible says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Tim. 1:7) My husband received another revelation that fear and faith cannot exist together. If you have faith, fear will just leave…that’s all. Fear and faith cannot coexist together. What is fear? Fear is uncertainty, or doubt. Faith is certainty. These are opposites and cannot exist together. Get in Real Faith and fear will just go. It will just GO!!! Someone might ask “How do I get in Real Faith so fear will Go? The Bible says, Faith comes by hearing. Here is an example: How did Peter walk on water? Did that take faith? (Matthew 14:29). He walked on water by keeping his eyes on Jesus. How did he do that in pitch black darkness with the winds and high waves obstructing his clear view? This is how he did it! He spoke to himself!!! You might say, how do you know he spoke to himself, it doesn’t say that in the text. Look – it took FAITH for Peter to get down out of that boat, at night, in a terrible storm that was so bad they could make ~ 7 ~ no headway in it. Peter – being a professional fisherman, and therefore having been in many storms would know you don’t get out of your boat in a tremendous storm, especially at night! But he did!!! How! He spoke to himself. 1. He had to have faith to get out of that boat. 2. The Bible says, FAITH comes by HEARING. Not having heard – HEARING! 3. This is how FAITH came and he did the supernatural. He said to himself out loud, something like this: “JESUS SAID COME!!!” “JESUS SAID COME!!!” “JESUS SAID I COULD COME!” “I’M GOING TO JESUS!” “LATER FOR YOU’ALL, I’M GOING TO JESUS.” How do you get REAL FAITH to do the impossible and make fear leave? Do what Peter did: You – out LOUD say: “JESUS WILL MAKE A WAY FOR ME.” (STOP looking at your problems and say) “JESUS WILL MAKE A WAY FOR ME.” JESUS WILL HELP ME! JESUS WILL LEAD ME! JESUS WILL GUIDE ME! IT CAN BE DONE! JESUS WILL HELP ME! JESUS WILL SHOW ME WHAT TO DO! JESUS WILL CAUSE ME TO MEET THE PEOPLE I NEED TO MEET THAT CAN HELP ME! JESUS WILL PROTECT ME. JESUS WILL PROVIDE FOR ME. JESUS WILL SHOW ME WHAT TO DO. JESUS WILL GIVE ME THE VICTORY…AGAIN! You keep speaking like that to yourself over and over, day after day and FAITH will come, your faith will rise up and you will do and become invincible!!! When you become like this the Spirit of Fear will leave…it will just GO from you!!! THE VICTORY IS YOURS! ~ 8 ~ MY THOUGHTS ON PERSONAL EXPERIENCES I want to make it absolutely clear, right from the start that I both understand and acknowledge that no teaching or biblical doctrine is to be based solely on anyone’s individual personal experiences. We don’t stand on our experiences, we stand on the perfect Word of God. However, having said and understanding all that, it is my considered opinion that other books on spiritual warfare have fallen short in three fundamental areas. First, in an effort to be “biblically correct” which is good, some authors don’t share enough of what they actually did experience to give me something to relate my experiences too. I purchased a book by a famous author concerning “demons” and how to deal with them and all he wrote was scripture after scripture right out of the Bible. He wrote nothing about his own experiences and what he did. It seemed to me that all he did do was get a concordance, and every scripture that had the words “evil spirit” or “devils” in it, he wrote down in his “book” on “demons.” If all I wanted was scriptures, I could have looked them up in my own concordance myself. What I really needed to know was what he actually experienced and how he handled it. I guess that he, as a very famous Christian personality, wanted to be found “biblically correct” and “edifying” to the Body of Christ. Well, I purchased his book hoping to find vital answers to critical problems. I didn’t need to be edified, I needed answers. What does one do if we feel something that we cannot see, crawl up on our bed and try to have sex with us. Don’t write a book of scriptures, but tell me what to do to get that thing off of me, out of my house, and what do I tell my spouse, if I tell him at all, and what about tomorrow night! What if that thing comes back??? Don’t edify me, give me answers I can use right now! Second, other books spend too much time on problems and too little on solutions. In my search for answers to my spiritual warfare questions I would read chapter after long chapters outlining “the problems in America” and precious little space would be given for any real answers. One book had 120 pages of “ain’t it awful” and only 1 ½ pages of “solutions,” Please!!! I need something more than just 1 ½ pages of “stay in the Word, just repeat the scriptures, God is a good God, and hold on!” Let me be clear, God is a good God, and one does need to stay in the scriptures but just saying that won’t help a little housewife who’s husband has already left for work and she feels she’s all alone! She’s not a pastor. She’s not a minister. She does not know the Bible from Genesis to the Revelation. She feels all alone and she swears, she keeps seeing something move out of the corner of her eye. Telling her “God is good,” by itself won’t help ~ 9 ~ when her children’s sleep is interrupted by something they can’t see every night. “God is wonderful” but just saying that won’t help when all hell breaks loose between her husband and her, and why can’t they seem to get along anymore? Just saying “live in the Word” is accurate, but what do I do when there is so much turmoil that I can’t seem to remember or concentrate on any scriptures. How does that help anyway when we’re not making enough to make ends meet and the car breaks down all the time or the children seem to stay sick or we constantly have to go down to that school to explain why our children are not the model of “Christian virtue” they’re suppose to be. God is good, but when all hell breaks loose and you’re up against it, you need answers and not someone giving you 200 pages of “ain’t it awful!” Third, after reading chapter after chapter of “things are not the way they use to be,” when I finally did reach the few pages where I was hoping to get actual answers to my questions, the author of the book, again, in an effort to be “biblically correct,” would simply state scriptures out of the Bible, tell me to stand on them, and go on writing about something else. Well….the author might have felt a warm fuzzy good feeling about having “grounded me in the word,” but how do I feel? What if I can’t connect the dots? What if I can’t make the connection between the scriptures they cite and my problems? I mean, what good is a scripture that I don’t understand? You tell me. The Word says to just resist the devil and he will flee from you. What if that thing won’t flee, and just how do I resist the devil…,with garlic? With a wooden stake? with a silver bullet or with lighted candles all around my room? The authors might pat themselves on the back because they wrote a “biblically correct” book but what if I haven’t a clue!!! In view of all this, I will relate some of my experiences and give you what the Holy Spirit gave me. Each time, before the enemy would attack, the Holy Spirit would warn me, strengthen me, open my spiritual eyes to see, give me scriptures for the battle, and tell me how to get the victory over whatever was coming. In addition, we will give you a quick reference list in chapter four, of His solutions to use when you are under demonic attack because when the attacks come, you won’t have time to read a whole book, you’ll need quick, decisive, sure fire solutions to stop the devils when they come in like a flood! ~ 10 ~ CHAPTER 2 – MY EXPERIENCES WITH THE DEVILS Attacked in the mouth: I noticed on several occasions when Satan or his imps would attack me they had supernatural power to stop me from opening up my mouth. I literally could not open my mouth no matter how hard I tried and I wanted too because the Holy Spirit impressed it upon me to call out the name of Jesus, but I could not. The Holy Spirit gave it to me that if I could not speak out the name of Jesus, that in my mind I could think on the name of Jesus which I did and made them disappear quickly. Afterwards, when I could open my mouth and speak out I would call out the name of Jesus….loudly!!! Attacked in my physical body: Other times when I was under attack in my bed, the devils had supernatural power to keep me from moving at all. I was like an invalid, or someone who is paralyzed from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet (it seem as if I was in a state of suspended animation.) I could actually see with my spiritual eyes short (midget form), medium built devils jumping up and down on my body laughing at me while I was under my bed comforter. Again, I could not speak out the name of Jesus, so I would think His name in my mind, like the Holy Spirit said, and the devils power was immediately broken and they disappeared. Attacked in the mind: On numerous occasions the enemy attacked my mind in the mornings while I was in the bed sleeping. What I experienced with the attacks on the mind is, whatever the devil was showing me in my mind it was moving very fast (fast motion), and I was unable to keep up and comprehend what I was seeing. I was seeing evil and wicked pictures, and I could actually hear a loud fast forward type noise in my mind playing in the background while everything I was seeing in my mind was spinning around fast. The sound was like a squealing, or scratchy type noise for example: recording a tape, how you can mess up a part of the tape because you didn’t push the record buttons all the way down and when you rewind it back to playback the tape makes a squealing fast motion kind of noise. Whether asleep or awake, if I could speak out Jesus name loudly they would disappear quickly and in other instances if I was unable to speak out Jesus name, I would think on His name and they would vanish. Notice, in all the above experiences I mentioned, the victory over the devils was in using the mighty name of Jesus! Jesus gave me the victory in every situation I’ve encountered with the devil. This only shows that God is more powerful than any devil. My experiences are only brought forth to help believers in the Body of Christ who may be going through demonic attacks, and don’t know what to do to stop the enemy. In every situation, I got the victory by either yelling out the name of Jesus, or if I couldn’t do that, by thinking or ~ 11 ~ concentrating on the name of Jesus. You see the enemy comes to instill fear and capture your mind and attention but if you refuse to take notice of him or his attacks and rivet your mind on Jesus, the devils can’t get your attention and you win! Whatever, situation you are facing I want you to know that the Holy Spirit will take you through and bring you out a winner! There is no failure or defeat in God. Use the mighty name of Jesus! THE DEVILS In my bedroom, during the warfare the Holy Spirit permitted me to see devils in all types of shapes, forms, and sizes. In some instances, I heard them walking, giggling, running around, and speaking out. Somehow the enemy (Satan, the devil) has temporary or limited supernatural powers. The Bible says, “…your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” (1 Peter 5:8) Also, the Bible says, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:…” (John 10:10) For the most part, the devil does not go after people he knows he already has i.e., the unsaved. The devils primary goal is to come against the believers in the Body of Christ who stand firm for the Lord Jesus Christ, because they will witness too and convert the non-believers. The devil could care less about you individually but he does not want you plundering his kingdom of its people. As a result the enemy will attack your mind and your body. He attacks the mind because he wants to control you and the only way he can do it is through the mind. He will attack your mind numerous times. In my case, he would attack my mind early in the mornings in my sleep. If the enemy sees that he can’t win your mind because under attack your mind is locked on Jesus, he will come back and attack your physical body. This is the case that happened with me. The enemy could not get my mind so he attacked my body physically with sickness. The first sickness I encountered was nose bleeds that went on and off for a year and a few months. The second sickness was constipation and bowel problems that went on I know for at least two years or more. Jesus Christ has healed both problems. Thank you Jesus. As a believer in the Body of Christ you must take a stand against the enemy, his cohorts, imps, or devil angels. God Almighty gives all His children power and authority in the name of Jesus over the devil. ~ 12 ~ In Luke 10:19, the Bible says, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” The Holy Spirit inside you will assist you, equip you with the necessary equipment for battle but you have to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit (when He is speaking to you in your spirit.) Hear Him, listen to Him, and obey His instructions. The Bible says, ….”I WILL NEVER LEAVE THEE, NOR FORSAKE THEE.” (Hebrews 13:5) ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE One Saturday morning, I was asleep on my stomach when a voice woke me up out of my sleep. I was sleeping late that morning and my husband had already left for work around 4:30 a.m. A devil spirit walked into my bedroom and spoke to me in a loud, deep, horrible voice “LOOK AT ME!” I did not turn over to look at it because I knew in my heart what it was. The devil spirit walked over to my bed and I felt something like a fist hit me in the center, lower part of my back. I could actually see my spirit man (an effulgent of light) lift up out of my body and go back into my body. I could not get up out of my bed at that time to battle with the spirit because somehow the evil spirit had supernatural power because I could not move my body at all (it was like I was in a state of suspended animation.) I remember thinking on the name of Jesus and it vanished. I was able to get up out of bed immediately binding up the devils in the name of Jesus, quoting spiritual warfare scriptures, and praying to Father God in the name of Jesus asking Him to send His angels, i.e., angels from heaven. Later on that evening, I was puzzled about this situation I had encountered. I could not think of any open doors, or sin in my life that could have brought the demonic attack on me (objects in your home can also be open doors that knowingly or unknowingly you have that permit the devils to attack you.) Somehow, I felt there had to be an open doorway and I wanted to know what it was that would cause something like this to happen to me. After my husband arrived home from work that evening and got relaxed I brought the matter up to him and told him everything that happened to me that morning not leaving anything out. My husband suggested that we pray in the Spirit about it and see what God says. The following Sunday morning, after church service, I asked two believer’s in our congregation if they would go through our house and help us find the open door for why I was under demonic attack. Pastor, myself, and both of our friends prayed to Father God asking Him for the Holy Spirit to ~ 13 ~ lead us right to anything in the house that was causing the problem. We started off going through all my jewelry. The Holy Spirit lead us to a pair of earrings and necklace that was causing the trouble. They had some kind of symbols on them that seemed to attract evil spirits. My husband immediately went to the kitchen to get a grocery bag. He dropped the items in the bag, closed it up and disposed of them in the garbage can. Afterwards, we felt relieved and thought our troubles were all over. But later, discovered that our problems were just beginning because there were other items which also were open doors for the enemy to attack me, and he had legal grounds to do so. We both together went into prayer and praying in the Spirit. The Lord revealed to my husband the next day that the devils came to torment me and there were other abominations in the house (the open door). There was a Chinese vase that was a going away gift to me when I moved from North Carolina to Texas. It had young women holding fans in their hands which I believe had lust spirits manifesting from it. A wooden wreath with small wooden figures on it made in Sri Lanka which my husband purchased from an export/import store. There was also two boxes of used men’s clothes received as a gift to my husband. We didn’t know they had lust spirits manifesting from them. When they first came and we opened the boxes and pulled out the items I was grieved in my spirit about these clothes for the first couple of days after they arrived. I brought it up to my husband that I felt something was wrong with the clothes, but we continued to keep them until the lust spirits started manifesting and coming into our bedroom getting into the bed with me some mornings after my husband would leave and go to work. I would think on the name of Jesus because I could not speak out His name at that particular time. When I concentrated on the powerful name of Jesus, the evil spirits or lust spirits would vanish. In all these items, the devils were manifesting from them and I was in constant battle with devils because all these items were in the house at the same time. All the abominations in our house from the above were immediately destroyed once the Holy Spirit lead us to what was causing the problems. My husband and I repented before Father God in the name of Jesus and asked Him for forgiveness for having abominations in our house. The next step we did was to re-anoint the whole house inside in Jesus name including the doors and windows. Afterwards, this particular problem ceased! Think items in your home can have no effect on you…I want to tell you two brief stories, one positive and one negative. ~ 14 ~ Negative Story I was browsing through a mail order catalog and came across an ad for a “Mystical Pentacle Pendant…$16.97.” The ad said this pendant, which would arrive in your home, was “charged with unseen magical and spiritual power.” “For over 8,000 years the magical pentacle has represented life, luck, and health and is considered by many to be a powerful amulet of protection…” The pendant pictured in the catalog was a Pentagram. A pentacle is a five- pointed star. A pentagram is a pentacle with one or two circles around the star. However, you can turn the five pointed star so as two of the points are either on the top or bottom. If the two points of the star are on top, they represent the horns of Baphomet, i.e., Satan! This pentagram was ugly to even look at because I could see his face in it. Imagine having it around your neck or in your jewelry box at home. I guarantee you that – that image will draw demons to the image of their master, in your home!!! With demons circling around you, all kinds of negative events can happen. Be careful of things you buy and bring into your home! Be careful. Positive Story An old Japanese woman was confined to a wheelchair but still opened her home each week for believers to meet in. One day, she became very ill and another believer went to visit her and noticed some idols on a shelf in her home. The sick woman shared that because she was crippled, she was not able to take them down to discard them. Her visitor got her permission and took the idols down, broke them into pieces destroying them. The very next day it was reported that the very sick believer was wonderfully and completely healed of her sickness and in process of time, went on to receive healing for her paralysis. (Could that be why God said for us to not have “other gods” or idols in our homes because false gods would bring destitution and sickness upon us?) Anyway, when the idols in her home were destroyed and discarded the woman got well! MY OTHER EXPERIENCES I did not keep a logbook of all the times the enemy entered my bedroom because it was numerous times especially when I was really going through deep spiritual warfare. I’m totally relying on the Holy Spirit to bring the accounts that He wants me to tell about back to my remembrance. One morning, the Holy Spirit awakened me out of my sleep and as I turned my head to the right which is my master bedroom restroom, I saw a reddish colored short hairy monkey devil with ~ 15 ~ one of his arms holding the top part of the door entrance as you enter the restroom swinging back and forth like a pendulum. After seeing it, I called out Jesus name and it vanished. The Holy Spirit awakened me early one morning and I saw on my ceiling faces of ugly devils whose faces would sometimes be in the form of a wolf, other creatures, or monsters. Other times, when they would show up on my ceiling in the form of a wolf they would be looking down on me grinning and other instances just looking down on the both of us, with blue, red, or yellowish colored eyes. I would sit straight up in my bed, ask the Holy Spirit to help me call out Jesus name because I have a certain way of doing that, holler out Jesus name, and pray to Father God in the name of Jesus asking Him to send His angels to sweep out the bedroom, house, and kick the devils off the property in Jesus name. Another morning, the Holy Spirit awakened me and as I opened my eyes I could see that the ceiling to the bedroom had swelled and all I could see was eyes covering the entire ceiling looking down on me. I sat straight up in the bed and hollered out Jesus name loudly which made them vanish instantly. I prayed to Father God and asked Him loudly to send divine help. Notice that you can ask for divine help and God will send His angels to help you. You can ask for anything you need (Matt. 7:7). One morning while my husband was showering in the restroom with the door closed, getting ready to go to work, I was awakened out of my sleep because I heard a loud thump noise from the wall next to the window of the bedroom as the devils were thrown through the wall onto the bedroom floor. The devils got up from the floor and I could hear their feet running around on the carpet giggling and laughing. I immediately jumped up out of the bed and started binding, rebuking, and commanding them to get out of my bedroom and out of my house in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. By that time, my husband heard me and he came out of the restroom to help me and we went throughout the entire house binding up the enemy in the name of Jesus. The devils vanished. On this particular morning when this happened, the devils did not know my husband was at home. Somehow, the devils miscalculated my husband being home that morning. This shows that the devils do not know everything and they make mistakes also. One morning, the Holy Spirit awakened me out of my sleep to see a skeleton riding a broomstick in the air of my bedroom. The evil spirit flew in mid-air pass my king size bed and we both looked in the eyes staring at each other. My reasons for staring at the evil spirit was because I could not believe what I was seeing and I wanted to see what it was going to do. The evil spirit had on a long black cape and the face was skeleton form with big white circles around the eyes and you could see its long skeleton hands holding the broomstick. It vanished before I ~ 16 ~ could come against it in Jesus name. After the skeleton disappeared, I got up out of my bed, called out Jesus name, bind up the enemy, and asked Father God in the name of Jesus to send angelic help to sweep out the bedroom, house, and property in Jesus name. The Holy Spirit early one morning awakened me out of my sleep to see a tall devil spirit which had run through my bedroom door and over to the right side of my bed towards me and attacked me on the right side of my neck. It felt like maybe a stun gun. The form of this evil spirit was in the form of a man and his whole entire body was a charcoal gray mist. I did not see on the evil spirits face any eyes, nose, mouth, ears, or any hair on its head. I called out Jesus name in my mind three times, and the evil spirit immediately vanished. I prayed to Father God in the name of Jesus asking Him to send angels from heaven charging them to throw out of the bedroom and throughout the house every evil and wicked spirit in Jesus name. On numerous occasions the Holy Spirit would awaken me out of my sleep and He would show me on my ceiling the devils in the form of insects and spiders who were black shadows. With my spiritual eyes I could actually see them moving across the ceiling. One particular time when the Holy Spirit had awaken me the devil was in the form of a large spider which was on a string of its web and I could see it drop down from the ceiling onto my bed. Other times I saw the devils in the form of black square boxes, white square boxes, and streaks of white lightening flashing across my bedroom ceiling. Remember, the Bible says that the devil can change his form even into an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14-15). I hollered out the name of Jesus, jumped up out of bed binding, and rebuking the devils to go back to the pit where they belong, and commanding them to get out of my bedroom, my house, and off my property in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I prayed to Father God in the name of Jesus to disperse angels from heaven to throw the devils out of the bedroom, house, and off my property in Jesus name. Amen. At other times when the enemy was in the bedroom I would sing out loud worship songs to the Lord (examples: “I Worship You Almighty God,” “Lord…You Are,” “Let There Be Glory & Honor…,” “We Have Come Into This Place”) quote Bible scriptures (spiritual warfare scriptures only!) sing out songs of exhortation to the Lord (examples: sing psalms – the Bible, Book of Psalms,) hymns (church hymnal,) and spiritual songs (singing from your heart) sing out loud JESUS songs (songs that have JESUS name in them) and sing out loud JESUS “BLOOD” songs (example: “I Know It Was The Blood.”) (Other songs are listed on pp. 41.) I don’t want you to think that devils were the only thing I was seeing with my spiritual eyes. The Holy Spirit also permitted me to see the Lord Jesus Christ more than once (two times in ~ 17 ~ person and other times, in visions) an angel, good spirits, the glory cloud in our bedroom more than once, and many visions with my eyes open and my eyes closed. ONE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT’S SOLUTION TO A DEVIL PROBLEM On one Saturday afternoon during the time I was going through deep spiritual warfare with the enemy, I was in my prayer closet in my master bedroom on my knees praying to Father God in the name of Jesus and praying in the Spirit (speaking in tongues or heavenly language.) Before I ended my prayer time with the Lord, the Holy Spirit spoke to me in my spirit and said to me, “daughter, take the cards with Jesus name on them and tape them around the walls of your bedroom.” I immediately understood what He instructed me to do. I have a large box of white business cards. However, instead of the name, address, and phone number of a business imprinted on them, the only thing imprinted on them was the name of Jesus in large red letters. My husband had them printed at a business card printer’s shop. I did exactly what the Holy Spirit instructed me to do. It took me approximately 2-3 days to cover all the walls of my bedroom in a checker board pattern with these cards. After following the instructions by the Holy Spirit, I started seeing the results. Placing the cards around the walls of my bedroom was very effective warfare against the enemy. The name of JESUS on the cards stopped the devils in their track from using all the walls to enter into the bedroom. The only way I see them now is in or on the ceiling. I am so use to seeing them on my ceiling until sometimes when the Holy Spirit warns me or wakes me up to show me they are in the bedroom, I either ignore them, turnover and go back to sleep, bind, rebuke, and command them to get out of my bedroom, out of my house, and off my property in the name of JESUS, or plead the “Blood” of JESUS in and over the ceiling of the bedroom which is a powerful weapon against the enemy. AFTER THOUGHTS I shared with you some experiences that are very personal to my life. I feel it’s important here to make two very important points: 1. The gift of “discerning of spirits” spoken of in 1 Corinthians 12:10, given to me by the Lord, is the gift of being able to see what a person does not normally see i.e., into the invisible realm. If you are given this gift, you not only see evil spirits but God’s angels also and anything else that the Lord permits you to see. Not everyone is given this gift, so if you don’t have it you won’t see any of the things I’ve written about. The upside for you is, you won’t see all these ugly devils and creatures I see. The downside for you is, although you can’t see them, don’t be lured into thinking or believing they’re not there. What you thought you saw out of the corner of your eye, you saw. When your child tells you they see a “boogie man” in the room, don’t hush them up and tell them it’s only their imagination, the child sees what he/she sees. You now start thinking spiritually, and you’ll begin to understand that sometimes things in the invisible realm will momentarily in a flash, appear, even to you. The invisible realm is there. This is a spiritual reality you must face and ~ 18 ~ understand. 2. The second point I want to make is, the reason(s) why I believe the Lord permitted me to go through and experience all I experienced in the spiritual realm is, for your benefit. The Bible says, as born-again believers, we are all members of the Body of Christ. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 12:7, “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.” These manifestations spoken of in 1 Corinthians 12 of the Holy Spirit are given for the profit of the whole Body of Christ. You have a gift I don’t have, and I have a gift maybe you don’t have, but all the gifts given to various members of the Body of Christ compliment each other. What I’m attempting to say is, because the Lord permits me to see into the invisible realms, I can see what you can’t but I can tell you all about them. For example: all of us in the Body of Christ know to use the name of JESUS. The Bible says in Colossians 3:17, “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,…” Further, in prayer, we ask in the name of JESUS. When harassed by devils, we rebuke them in JESUS’ name. You do that but because you might not have the gift of discerning of spirits, you can’t see and know what effects that name has on the devils. Although you might not see them I can. When I use the name of JESUS, I can see how the enemy actually flees, and how he vanishes when I call on JESUS for help. I can see how Satan puts on a big bluff but when you call out the name of JESUS, how Satan runs away like a whipped dog! God wanted me to share with you my experiences, so you would know, through me, just how powerful your spiritual weapons are. I see how powerful they are so I’m passing the information onto you for you to know. When you use the name of JESUS, it wipes out the enemies plans for you! When you use that name, no weapon that is formed against you prospers (Isaiah 54:17). You also need to “see” and understand what you do have, you have something. You have been redeemed with the precious “Blood” of JESUS CHRIST and you have forgiveness of sins. If you ask a believer with no money if he has anything, the answer often is “No” because too many think only in terms of money, but we have greater things than money. If you are born- again, you are redeemed and you have forgiveness of sins. In Old Testament times, when people messed up they paid dearly for it and many were rejected for life and when you got rejected by God, you were really rejected with NO way back but you have forgiveness of sins!!! That’s one of the most valuable things you have! I realize that this is a different kind of “seeing” but it’s important because in this life you will mess up; you will make mistakes but we have peace with God because of JESUS CHRIST. O. K., you might not see into the invisible ~ 19 ~ realms, but do you see what you can see i.e., JESUS died for you; your sins are forgiven. You have been bought back and delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of God. You’re filled with the Holy Spirit and He has imparted his gifts, callings and given purpose to your life. When you got the Holy Spirit that made you more than a conqueror through JESUS CHRIST and if you stand your ground, you cannot be defeated! GOD is for you, WHO can be against you. You’re not looking for the victory, you already stand in the place of victory….you have been baptized “INTO” JESUS CHRIST and that is the place of victory from which you go forth!!! You got it, you got it! The whole world wants what you got….VICTORY!!! Use this book to “See” what I see. Use the techniques, use your spiritual weapons, use the Holy Spirit’s Recipes but above all else, see and use the spiritual realities that are yours through JESUS CHRIST. MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS AND KEEP YOU. ~ 20 ~ CHAPTER 3 – BELIEVER’S LIST OF WHAT NOT TO DO We, as believers in the Body of Christ have to realize that we are in the world, but not of this world. We cannot go out into the world and do what the unsaved/non-believer’s do. You cannot live for Christ and the world system too. The Bible clearly states: Jesus said, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matt. 6:24) As a believer in Christ, we must make up in our heart who we are going to serve, get a serious mind and heart for the Lord Jesus, live a holy life before Him, walk upright in all our ways, love one another as Christ loved the church, repent and ask for forgiveness when we commit sin, follow Jesus all the way, preach the gospel to a dying world, show compassion for others who are suffering and in need of help, and be a soul-winner for Christ, etc. Believers in the Body of Christ should not do the following: all these can be open doors for demonic attack: Looking at horror movies in movie theaters or on television: the devil spirits can enter into your house through television. Have you ever looked at a Christian program on television and felt the anointing right through the television? Well, evil spirits can also be attracted to you via television. Heavy metal rock music: demonic music can draw devils to you and oppress your physical body. Looking at pornography can draw lust spirits: devils will go and get in bed with you fondling your body parts or try to have sex with you. Video games: some video games are not good for kids, and children to play with because they draw evil spirits to the child. Children do not need to witness murder and the spilling of innocent blood. Murder is NOT a game! Be careful about abominations in your house: especially items like some souvenirs, jewelry, clothing, statutes, vases, some African art, some Hispanic art, some Indian art, etc. from foreign countries. The people in some foreign countries do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and they serve other gods. Some of these people pray blessings or curses over their products and send them over to the United States to be sold. What some believers are not aware of is, once they buy the product which came from a foreign country they are carrying home something that will draw evil spirits and those evil spirits will eventually manifest. Other open doors for demonic attack: spirit of anger, worry, bitterness, strife, jealousy, contention, hatred, lust, selfishness, fornication, pride, envy, adultery, fear, etc. These are spirits and they manifest in works of the flesh. Rebuke the spirit of fear because God has not given you that spirit nor those other spirits which seek to control and destroy your life. ~ 21 ~ God commanded us in the Bible not to mark our bodies. Some tattoos can cause evil spirits to manifest themselves from the tattoo especially if the tattoo has evil pictures of devils, dragons, etc. Piercing the body is also included, because it is a spirit that inspires a person to mutilate their body. These spirits want you to mark your body so much, that the mark of the beast will just be another tattoo to you. They are setting you up to receive the mark of their master in your forehead or in your hand, but if you learn to resist and refuse any mark, you will remain safe (Rev. 14:9.) Playing in the occult. Ouija boards, Satanism, séances, tarot cards, palm reading, fortune-telling, astrology, evil board games, etc. can open a door for heavy demonic attack, demonic oppression, and if you are not a born-again believer, even demonic possession. Sexual encounters. God commands us not to have sex outside of marriage. He did not tell us to go and sleep around with everyone we see. Still today, we have some Christians and believer’s sleeping around. Don’t you know by being a child of God when you have sexual intercourse with a non-believer, once the male semen enters the vagina you can transfer devils into the body. Sexually transmitted diseases are skyrocketing in America. Sexual encounters, outside of marriage is definitely high-risk behavior. Drugs. The devils can attack and take control of the mind. If you use drugs you’ve placed yourself under the control of a foreign substance which, if continued, will certainly lead to your corruption and death. The Bible says in Galatians 6:8 that if you sow to the flesh you will reap corruption. It’s only a matter of time. It’s like playing the deadly game of Russian roulette. Drug use is the same thing. If you use drugs, you will destroy yourself. Stop it or die! Homosexuals and Same- Sex Marriages. God tells us about it in the Bible, in the Book of Leviticus 18:22; Jude 1:7; 1 Timothy 1:10; and Romans 1:26, 27. God destroyed the city of Sodom and Gomorrah for this same sin (Gen. 19: 1-28). This is considered a sin in God’s eyes and same sex marriage also. It is an abomination to Him. Devil spirits inspire and manifest themselves from this type of behavior. Homosexuality and lesbianism has a strong and powerful spirit of deception attached to it. This behavior is to be avoided at all costs. Devil spirits can manifest from used clothing. Usually bought from places like flea markets or thrift stores. They can manifest from clothing given or borrowed from an unsaved person, or a believer who is in sexual sin. The clothes can be contaminated with lust spirits. The devil spirits will manifest from the clothing and go and get in the bed with the believer, fondling the believer’s body parts. Also, I would like to add that a believer in Christ who is addicted to pornography can open a door for lust spirits to fondle him or her. Books That Teach Children About Witchcraft. Christians should not be reading these books, because its believed that these books arouse the curiosity of impressionable young children to be interested in witchcraft. While the fictional books themselves do not actually teach witchcraft, naïve children take the next step by searching out witchcraft books and websites on the internet. The real danger is it causes children to be interested in witchcraft, which they will ~ 22 ~ pursue on their own personal computers and get entangled in spiritual bondage which can and will result in the destruction of somebody. Keep children away from witchcraft books and movies. I warned you. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES FOR THE ABOVE SECTION “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” (2 Cor. 2:11) “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” {Leviticus 20:13} “And if a soul sin and commit any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the commandments of the LORD: though he wist it not, yet is he guilty, and bear his iniquity.” (Lev. 5:17) “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” (Hosea 4:6) “And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.” (Ezekiel 44:23) “But the children of Israel committed a trespass in the accursed thing:…” (Joshua 7:1) “Israel hath sinned, and they have also transgressed my covenant which I commanded them: for they have even taken of the accursed thing, and have also stolen, and dissembled also, and they have put it even among their own stuff.” (Joshua 7:11) “Wherefore COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, AND BE YE SEPARATE, saith the Lord, AND TOUCH NOT THE UNCLEAN THING: AND I WILL RECEIVE YOU,” (2 Cor. 6:17) “Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing.” (Deut. 7:26) ~ 23 ~ “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” (Lev. 18:22) “Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” (Jude 1:7) “For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind,…” (1 Tim. 1:10) “26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.” (Rom. 1: 26, 27) “10There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, 11Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.” (Deut. 18:10-12) “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.” (Lev. 19:31) “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.” (Lev. 19:28) “And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.” (Lev. 20:6) “A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.” (Lev. 20:27) “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Rom. 6: 23) ~ 24 ~ TWO VISIONS OF JESUS CHRIST APARTMENT IN TEXAS. One early morning I was awakened out of my sleep because of a strong light which had lit up our bedroom. It was so much light until it seemed as if it had lit up a few blocks from where we were staying. When I opened my eyes not only could I see this strong light but when I looked to the left side of the bed, I saw my husband on his prayer stool praying and standing behind him was the Lord Jesus. During that encounter, I did not close my eyes but I completely awaken out of my sleep. I recollect seeing his hair shoulder length, his eyes, which were piercing, his clothing which had a lot of light coming from it. I remember the both of us looking in each other’s eyes. He did not leave behind a message or say anything to me. He stayed a few moments and then He vanished. Afterwards, when my husband came out of prayer I told him what happened. Jesus came down from the heavenly throne to visit us. I also had another encounter with Jesus when He showed up again in our bedroom one early morning. This time we were living in a house in Crandall Texas. The Holy Spirit awaken me to see Jesus standing to one side of my husband while he was praying on his prayer stool. There was no light in the room but I saw the long white clothing that He had on. I could only see where the length of His hair stopped but not His face. Again, I stayed awake until Jesus vanished. Heavenly Vision. One early morning I had a vision that opened up and I saw the Lord Jesus sitting on a large gray rock. The vision was in color. His hair was shoulder length, His skin was a tannish color, His eyes distinct, His clothing was like a long shroud (light beige) to his ankles, with sandals on His feet. In His hands, standing upright was a tall thin book. Before the vision closed up, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that the book Jesus was holding in His lap was the “Lamb’s Book of Life.” VISIONS OF HELL The Holy Spirit showed me a closed vision in the latter part of 2005 early in the morning while I was asleep. I believe in my heart He wanted me to tell people what I saw because He wants to warn people about hell and let them know that hell is real. The Holy Spirit took my spiritual eyes down into hell and all I could see was red fire which I believe was the “lake of fire.” I could see a person in the fire. I could not tell whether the person was male or female or see the person’s face or body. All I remember seeing was the hair on the top part of the person’s head because I was looking down on the person. The fire covered the person’s whole body and it was so high up. I saw a dirt bank on each side, and in the center of that dirt bank was a stream of fire. It looked as if the person was going downstream in a river but instead of it being a river of water this person was surrounded in fire and the fire was taking the person forward. It seem as if the person was looking for a way out or looking around for something to grab onto like ~ 25 ~ maybe a tree branch or a piece of root alongside of the bank but there was nothing available. The vision closed up and I never saw the outcome of what happened to the person in the fire. This vision was in color. In the early part of 2006, early in the morning while I was asleep the Holy Spirit showed me another closed vision of hell. This vision was in black and white. The Holy Spirit took my spiritual eyes to a still black place. You’ve never seen black as dark as this place. I could see two men standing on something that seemed to be a mountain facing each other. One man had on all white suit and the other man was dressed in dark colors. I could not see neither man’s face. The man dressed in a white suit as he was standing facing the other man I could see a strong beam of light coming from his hand and going into the front lower part (stomach area) of the other man which knocked the man backwards down into a large black hole where he continued to fall. I did not see where the man landed but he fell downward headed for hell. The vision closed up and I remember waking up out of my sleep crying. In October, 2003 the Holy Spirit wanted me to know how the devils were coming on the earth from “hell.” He showed me going down towards hell but not reaching it. I remember how black it was going down. It was the blackest black I ever saw. I could actually see a long funnel with a cord spinning very fast, headed towards earth. The funnel was spinning clockwise. Inside the funnel was short devils having conversation and laughing with each other. When they reached a certain point near earth, the funnel shot them out upon the earth. Sometime in early part of 2011, during the morning, the Holy Spirit took me down to hell. It was the blackest black I’ve ever seen. I remember my actual body and senses being there with me. The Holy Spirit stood on the right side of me. When I got to the bottom, the first thing I saw was a big black gate. At the door of the gate was a tall devil who had on a long gray cloak with a hood on it, and I could not see it’s face because it was black. When the Holy Spirit took his hand and turned my head to the left, there was a single line of people standing and waiting to get behind the gate. The line was so long, I didn’t see where it stopped off at. The devil came out from behind the gate and walked over to the first person in line and grab them by their wrist pulling them inside the gate and closing the door. I remember hearing the loud horrible screams of the people already being tormented in hell, the whole time we were there. I could smell the horrible stench which smelled like thousands of dead bodies. The awful smell made me want to gag. I could feel the intensity of the heat which was overwhelming, maybe two thousand times hotter than what we experience here on earth during the summer. When I go out to witness sometimes, I hear some people in conversation say to me, “this is hell on earth.” I let them know, that the heat they feel on earth is no comparison to what it will be like in hell. It was so hot in hell until it was very hard for me to breathe. The last thing in hell I notice, when the Holy Spirit took his hand, put it on my right cheek and turned my head to the left, I saw two short devils (midget form) plastered against the wall in some kind of thick gook substance having a conversation with each other and laughing. ~ 26 ~ These are true accounts of what the Holy Spirit showed me. I do not say this to frighten you, but to make you aware that the devils come on the earth to stir up confusion, to torment, attack, frighten, intimidate, and harass believer’s in the Body of Christ to change their minds about serving Jesus, and follow Satan instead. If the devils can accomplish this mission, this will be another soul won for the kingdom of Satan. Hell is not a place where you want to go and spend eternity. To the unsaved, don’t continuously keep rejecting Jesus, because if you do this place awaits you. An example of two true stories: A young man went to a church one night on his motorcycle. He entered the church to sit towards the back. He heard the preacher’s message. Afterwards, he got up and went down to the front of the church where the “Man of God” talk with him about Jesus. It was even to the point the “Man of God” got on his knees and begged him to receive Jesus Christ before leaving the church. The young man rejected Jesus not knowing that it was his last night on earth. The young man left the church, got on his motorcycle. As he was driving along the road his helmet started to fog up because the seed that was planted by the “Man of God” brought conviction upon his heart, and caused him to shed tears profusely. He knew he should have accepted Jesus that night. He died that same night running head-on into a tractor-trailer truck. Another story is June 2011, God sent a laborer of the harvest to a young woman to minister to her heart about Jesus Christ. After witnessing to the young woman’s heart about Jesus, the laborer in the harvest asked her to receive Jesus into her life. The young woman told the laborer she was not ready to come to Jesus. She also said, Sunday of that same week she would give her heart to Jesus. Again, the young woman rejected Jesus not knowing that her life would end short and tragic. Well, she never made it to Sunday. She went to a swimming pool, jumped in, hit her head on the bottom, and died. Both of these souls went to hell for rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ. I gave these examples especially for the unsaved, so they will have something to really think about. You cannot keep putting Jesus off till you want Him. It does not work that way. You either want Him or you don’t want Him. Sinner, your soul is on the line. Jesus loves you and He doesn’t want you to end up in hell. The decision is left up to you because He gives all of us a freewill. Please choose Jesus Christ and not Satan. ~ 27 ~ CHAPTER 4 – THE HOLY SPIRIT’S STEP-BY-STEP RECIPES In this chapter you will find spiritual help for spiritual problems. My assumptions are that you are: a. a Christian i.e., a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible. b. you are having problems right now and are looking for answers and c. you suspect that spiritual things have something to do with your troubles but you are not “up to speed” concerning spiritual things. If you are not a Christian, a very large part of your problems are that evil spirits can and will make havoc of you and your family. If you sincerely ask Jesus to save you, and love Him as Savior and Lord, His angels will encamp around you and your family to protect you! If you would like to be saved from: a. The penalty for not accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior, which is separation from God in your heart and mind on earth. b. Separation from God in hell after you physically die, because you died “in your sins.” c. Separation from God in the lake of fire for eternity, because your name was not found in God’s “Book of Life.” PRAY! SINCERELY! (you – STOP reading and pray right now) “Dear Heavenly Father, I confess I am a sinner. I repent and ask you to forgive me of my sins. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for me. I believe He raised from the dead on the third day. I believe He is alive today. I want to be born-again. Thank you Father for saving me in Jesus name. Amen. - or you can pray “Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for dying for me in my place. I ask you to save me. I want to be born-again and go to heaven when I die. Baptize me into the Body of Christ. By faith in your word from the Bible, I believe you will do it. I receive you right now as my Lord and Savior. Amen!” If you sincerely prayed that prayer, God heard you and will do His part…you are saved right now and can do and use all the spiritual weapons that are available to Christians as outlined in this book and God’s Holy Bible. Finally, this chapter is set up to give you short, quick, step-by-step solutions to your spiritual problems. If more explanation is needed, please turn to “Notes to the Recipes” starting at pp. 52. ~ 28 ~ A QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE RECIPES IN CHAPTER 4 Page 30 ......................................... What to do when you can't speak. 31 ......................................... What to do when you have "bad" or wicked dreams. 31 ......................................... What to do when: a. Everything seems to be going wrong all at once. b. You feel overwhelmed by all your responsibilities. 33 ......................................... How to both stop and bind the devils. 33 ......................................... In trouble? Ask for divine help! 34, 57.................................... A spiritual weapon - the Blood of Jesus. 36, 58.................................... A spiritual weapon - prayer. 36 ......................................... a. when you are discouraged and heavy laden. b. physically exhausted. c. need answers. d. feel "troubled" inside. e. need heaven to hear you - right now! 38 ......................................... Cry out to GOD. 38, 61.................................... A spiritual weapon - fasting. 40 ......................................... A spiritual weapon - the Word of God. 41 ......................................... Build yourself up spiritually. 41 ......................................... Things you can do; sing Blood songs. 42 ......................................... Things you can do; listen to anointed music. 52 ......................................... What to do when you are under demonic attack. More things you can do; 42 ......................................... Listen to the audio Bible. 43 ......................................... Anoint your home with holy oil. 43, 44.................................... Use the Word of God offensively. 45, 64.................................... Guard your thought life. 46 ......................................... Begin to think spiritually. ~ 29 ~ PREPARE BEFORE THE BATTLE In natural warfare, a general prepares his weapons, well ahead of the actual battles. For example: in World War II just before D-Day, over five thousand ships, thousands of planes and hundreds of thousands of men were assembled on Great Britain prepared to invade France to liberate all Europe from Germany. All these guns, weapons and planes were assembled well ahead of the battles to come because these generals understood clearly they were at war and in war there will be battles. In like manner Christian, understand clearly that you are in a warfare with, for the most part, an unseen enemy. You are for peace, but he is for war. He has declared war on you and your family and Jesus said, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:…” (John 10:10) If you and your family are to survive these attacks, you’ll need to prepare for the battles ahead of time because when the enemy is attacking you, it’s too late to prepare. When the devil attacks you, you don’t have time to think about what you’re going to do, but you must already have your weapons where they’re easily accessible in place and be ready to use them in battle. 1. YELL OUT JESUS’ NAME – when you are under demonic attack: Call, out loud, the mighty name of JESUS! Holler out JESUS’ name out loud when the enemy is around or when you are under attack by the devils. Listen; you, yell out loud…JEEE-SUSSS! The name of JESUS or JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH is an AWESOME name to call upon when you are under demonic attack. JESUS name is the most powerful name in the universe. Believer’s in the Body of Christ, I want you to know when you call out the name of JESUS, in the spiritual realm the angels that GOD charged to protect you are working in your behalf to stop the devils from hindering you, and coming against you. Also, when you call out JESUS name it’s like a nuclear atomic bomb, dynamite, or explosives going off. No wonder the devils flee when you call out the mighty name of JESUS or JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. “WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE.” 2. THINK, THE NAME OF JESUS If the devils keep you from being able to speak out JESUS name, then you are to THINK JESUS name and they will flee, or vanish. Listen: When you are under attack, DO NOT LET YOUR MIND GO INTO FEAR OR LET IT WONDER TO OTHER THINGS. YOU control your mind! YOU CONCENTRATE! THINK JEEE- SUSSS!!! JESUS, JESUS, JESUS! The devils are cowards and will attack you at night or early mornings while you are asleep. God says in His Word that He gives His children sweet sleep. Therefore, if ~ 30 ~ you’re having nightmares, wicked dreams, or troubling thoughts in your sleep, the devils are there injecting fear and horrible scenes in your mind. Even in sleep, train yourself, make yourself stop thinking about whatever you’re dreaming about, and make yourself think on JESUS. If the troubling dreams wake you up, then yell out the name of JESUS, and command the devils to leave your house in the name of JESUS. When the devils attack your mind at night while you are asleep, think or speak out JESUS name and they will flee or vanish. (See pp. 52, for more on demonic attacks.) 3. QUOTE SPIRITUAL WARFARE SCRIPTURES When you are under attack, and you will know you’re under attack because a. for a split-second, you thought you saw something in your room or b. you can’t see it with your physical eyes, but you sense evil in the room or c. your child, your spouse or whoever begins to act contrary for no reason, or d. all hell breaks loose, i.e., your spouse begins to get angry about nothing and the food you’re cooking begins to boil over, and the baby begins to cry, and the telephone rings and it’s the school with a bad report about Johnny, and the faucet bursts, and, and , and – you get the idea! Another favorite trick of the enemy is to try to overwhelm you with all the things you should have done, or that you must remember to do. “What are you going to do about the baby,” and “you know you have an appointment with the doctor,” and “where did you put the papers,” and” don’t forget to mail the rent check,” and “it’s your turn to plan the birthday party for Bill,” and “that 15th of the month report is due,” and, and, and….again, you get the idea. When things begin to go wrong, lookout – the enemy is at work! Therefore, when you sense the devils or his evil workings, yell out the name of JESUS and then: begin to quote spiritual warfare scriptures against the enemy. a. when you sense the presence of the enemy or things begin to go wrong. b. YELL – OUT LOUD – JEEE-SUSSS! c. Then, out loud speak to the unseen devils and say: The Bible says, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7) You say, out loud: “I resist you devil in the name of JESUS, and I command you to GO! In the name of JESUS!!! “I command you to flee in JESUS name!!!” Again say what, the Bible says, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19) ~ 31 ~ You, out loud say: “Satan, I have power over you and all your power, and I command you to STOP your operation against me and my family. I command you to flee, right now, in the name of JESUS!!!” Pour it on the enemy; keep up the pressure, don’t give him a chance to speak back to your mind, keep the pressure on him by using the powerful words of God against him. You, out loud, say: “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper;…” (Isaiah 54:17) You, out loud, say: “Satan , I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but it won’t work against me! I say, in the name of JESUS, that all your works against me are null and void and won’t prosper!!!” Remember to keep putting pressure on the devil with the Word. It gives him headaches because of all things, he cannot make the Word of the Living God, void! You, out loud, say: the Bible says, “….Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Matt. 18:18) You, out loud, say: “Satan, I bind you in the name of JESUS!” Then say: Heavenly Father, I’ve bound the devils down here, I ask you to bind them in the heavenlies, according to your Word. Thank you Lord, in JESUS name!” Amen. “I bind you Satan, I bind you, I bind you, I bind you, according to God’s Word, I bind you!” Keep pouring coals of fire on the head of the devil because he can’t take the Word of God used against him. You, out loud, say: “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” (1 John 4:4) You, say that out loud: say, ~ 32 ~ “Greater is the Holy Spirit that is within me, than you Satan! The greater one lives in me, and I command you to stop your evil works and GO right now, in the name of JESUS!” GOOOOO!!! These are just a few of the many scriptures that you can use against the devils. But, in order to quote the warfare scriptures against the enemy, you must memorize them out of the Bible. Memorizing scriptures are just one of your spiritual weapons to prepare, before the attack. (See pp. 55 for more spiritual warfare scriptures.) 4. BIND UP THE ENEMY Say out loud, “Satan, I bind you and your imps right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I rebuke you and command you to cease your operation against me, my spouse, my children, my family, my pet, etc., in JESUS name. For it is written Satan: “MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDETH OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.” (Matt. 4:4) “Satan, I command you to GO from my room, house, and property in JESUS name. You are trespassing on God’s property. For Jesus Christ of Nazareth gives me power and authority over you and I command you to GO, in JESUS name. “I command you to come subject to the Spirit of God Almighty on the throne, in JESUS name.” Also, you can pray to Father God in the name of JESUS asking Him to send angels or divine help in your behalf. 5. ASK FOR DIVINE HELP. In submitting to God’s will, Jesus refused to ask His Father for legions of angels or divine help to stop Him from being arrested the night of His trial. He could have asked but that request would have prevented Him from being arrested, tried, and crucified (Matt. 26:53, 54), which was God’s will for Him. However, its not against God’s will for you to ask because the scriptures tell you to resist the devil and he will flee from you. Another way to resist the devil is to ask your Heavenly Father to send angels from heaven to come down and sweep your house and property of all evil devils and evil spirits. The idea here is to a. ASK (Matt. 7:7), b. because you can’t, for the most part, see into the invisible realm, God’s angels can see the invisible devils. They are invisible to us, but not to God’s angels and when the angels come down they see and will remove the evil beings! Pray something like this, “Father God, in the name of JESUS; I ask you to disperse and send divine help, warrior angels from heaven, or angels with swords, charging your angels to body slam, cut up every devil spirit in my bedroom, kick them and throw them out of my house and off my property, in Jesus name. Amen.” ~ 33 ~ 6. PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS Jesus Christ of Nazareth submitted to the death on the cross that you could go free and be redeemed. The payment that God demanded for your redemption and freedom was the most extravagant payment ever made and the item given was priceless. In fact, not only was it an exceedingly, costly payment demanded by God the Father, but the item He demanded did not even exist anywhere in the heavens, on earth or under the earth at that time. It did not exist in all of creation. What God the Father demanded was 1. A sacrifice that had within itself, the power to once and for all atone for all the sins ever committed, or that would ever be committed in the world! All sin had to be atoned for period! 2. God also demanded a full and final repentance for all man’s sins from the cross back to Adam and Eve. God required the shedding of the blood of innocent animals to give a covering for sin, but nowhere do we read of heartfelt repentance on the part of Adam or Eve, or anyone else for sin until God gave the law. In Isaiah 53:11, it says, “He shall see of the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfied:…” When God the Father saw the travail of His Son on the cross, He was satisfied with that sorrow! Adam had turned on Him, sinned against Him, given the dominion over His creation to Satan thereby, subjecting generations of God’s children to sin and death and had not even thought to repent for what he had done! The second Adam, Jesus Christ, not only died in your place to atone for your sins, but travailed on the cross in your place and when God the Father saw that heartfelt grief, sorrow, and travail for sin, He was satisfied! 3. Another requirement of this sacrifice was that it had to be a male (Exodus 12:5) born under the law (Romans 8:2) that He, through the sacrifice of Himself, might break the law of sin and death, thereby; fulfilling the law, making it null and void. A sacrifice had to be made that would fulfill the old covenant that God had with His people, and at the same time provide for a new covenant based on better promises because the old covenant was weak through the flesh, and did not have the power to impart eternal life to mankind. This new covenant was prophesied in places like Jeremiah 31:31, but it had to be ratified with Blood! However, the only blood that could break the power of the law (which ministered death because no man could keep the whole law) was blood that did not exist i.e., human sinless blood. In Adam, all men died because of sin, that is, because Adam sinned all men inherited his nature, all men became, by nature sinners! We were all made sinners because we inherited Adams nature. God demanded a sinless, bloody sacrifice to set you free, but sinless blood did not exist in the veins of any human being, so God sent Jesus Christ of Nazareth to provide that sinless blood. Jesus Christ did not inherit Adam’s sinful nature because God’s Holy Spirit, not Adam was His Father, which means Jesus was born without sin. On earth while walking in His human body, Jesus was tempted in all points like as we are yet Jesus Christ did not sin ever. Jesus Christ ~ 34 ~ came down from heaven, was manifested in the flesh, and went to the cross that you might be free. He paid the price for your redemption. The price had been paid that you could be free. Therefore, anything that would hinder you from being free is an affront to God the Father, because He accepted the Blood of Jesus as full and final payment for your freedom. Therefore, when Satan tries to entangle, entrap or take away your freedom through drugs, alcohol, sex, love of money, or any other sin that would bind you, that is against the will of God for you because He sees you as free. Therefore, when the enemy tries to entrap you, or hinder you, you cry out to God the Father. Ask Him to set you free because the full price for your freedom has already been paid by Jesus Christ! When the children of Israel came out of Egypt by Moses, on the last night, they were instructed to sacrifice a one year old male lamb and take its blood and wipe it on the door posts of their houses. When the death angel would pass over, He would see the blood on the door posts and pass over that house because it was covered by the blood. You ask Father God to cover you with the Blood of Jesus, that death and all other evil would pass over you, your house and family. Plead the Blood of Jesus over yourself and family. Tell God that you are suppose to be free because Jesus paid the price for you to be free and to cover you with His Blood to protect you from all evil! Plead the blood of Jesus! He paid for your freedom. Plead it, claim it, believe it. Believe that when you ask God to cover you with the Blood of Jesus, He does so. Plead the Blood of Jesus! You must believe in the power of the Blood. When you pray, believe! Plead the Blood of Jesus every morning over your family (call their names out,) property, vehicle(s), job (name the building where you work and the name of your department), other people (call their names out), pets (call their names out), etc. You would pray something like this to the Lord: “Father God, in the name of Jesus, I plead the Blood of Jesus over my husband/wife, child, children (call out the names), over my family, over our house, and property… in Jesus name. Amen. God will not permit the destroyer to come in unto you if you’re covered by and plead the “Blood of Jesus.” Plead it, claim it. To plead the Blood of Jesus means to ask Father God to cover you or whoever, with the Blood of Jesus. Say: “Father God, I ask you to cover me with the Blood of Jesus!” Say: “In the name of Jesus, I reckon by faith that the Blood of Jesus covers me and my family and protects us from the destroyer.” Say: “I plead the Blood of Jesus that was sprinkled on the mercy seat.” ~ 35 ~ Say: “Father God, I plead the Blood of Jesus! The Blood of Jesus has paid for my health, my wealth, my prosperity, my healing, my wholeness. Amen.” Say: “the Blood of Jesus is my stand!!! He paid for me to go free and to live in health and prosperity. I claim it right now in Jesus name!” Say: “Father God, I plead the Blood of Jesus, cover myself, my family, my house, my car(s), my finances, my spirit, soul, and body, and anything else that pertains to me. Thank you Lord. I reckon it done in Jesus name. Amen.” Say: “the Blood, the Blood, the Blood. The Blood of Jesus has set me free! The Blood! the Blood!” (See pp. 56 for three examples of the power of the blood of Jesus.) 7. PRAYER You need to pray every day. You need contact with God. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” When you are discouraged, down and heavy laden, take it to Jesus in prayer. The important thing is to tell Him all about it in your own words. He says that if you’ll come to Him, He’ll give you rest. There are days when I get so physically exhausted, I know I can’t make it without being strengthened, so I drag myself into one of the spare bedrooms, close the door, fall on my knees, letting the top half of my body lay on the bed and just pray. Sometimes, I fall asleep. There is nothing so refreshing as falling asleep in the presence of God and when I wake up I ask God to forgive me for falling asleep in prayer but that’s what exhaustion can do sometimes. When I pray and don’t fall asleep, when I finish praying, I feel rejuvenated, ready to face the second half of my busy day. When you feel burdened or physically weak and worn out, take it to Jesus and He will strengthen you. It really works. If you can’t find a closet or a room all by yourself to pray in, or if your house is too noisy, go out to your car, get in, lock the doors, and pray. Just relax and talk to Jesus. You need contact with God. If you need answers from God, 1. ask Jesus for them, 2. believe that God will give or lead you to the answer and 3. Because you asked and Jesus says that everyone who asks receives (Matt. 7:8), look for and expect the answer. What I mean is, don’t ask God for direction and then engage in idle chatter all day long with your friends. Instead, put your spiritual antenna up by CLOSING YOUR mouth and LISTENING for the answer. If you tune in to Christian television or radio, LISTEN….for what God might be saying to you. Read your Bible. See if God is saying something to you in what you are reading. If you’re talking to friends, LISTEN to see if God is speaking through them or a sermon being preached. If you “get a word from the Lord,” LISTEN again, to make sure it is from the Lord. If you ask God for direction, He will give you direction. The apostle Paul told the Philippians in 4:6, “…but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” And then he said: ~ 36 ~ “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:7) He said, something very significant here. He said, if you will pray, God’s peace will keep your heart and your mind!!! In a day when people are having heart attacks, strokes, broken hearts, anger, depression, and attacks upon their mind by the devils, if you’ll take the time to pray, contact with God will keep your heart, and will protect your mind…Hallelujah! Pray to Father God in the name of Jesus for protection over yourself, husband/wife, family, pet(s), relative(s), loved ones, etc. (call out the names you are praying for before the Lord.) Ask Him to cover you and others (names) in the Blood of Jesus from the crown of their head to the soles of their feet. Ask Him to send angels to shield, guard, and protect you and whoever else you want to name in your prayer from hurt, harm, danger, from the enemy and his imps attacking you or coming against you and whoever else you name in your prayer in any kind of shape, form, or fashion, and from the enemy using people to come against you and anyone else you want to name in your prayer. In Jesus name. Amen. Another way to receive direction is to pray in the Spirit i.e., in tongues. If you need answers from God, ask Jesus for them and begin to talk in tongues (heavenly language). I’ve received many answers to prayer after talking off and on for days, in tongues. Pray in tongues when you feel troubled! Also, in the congregation when tongues come forth, LISTEN when the interpretation comes to discern if God is speaking directly to you. The key is to believe! If you ask God for direction or answers, believe and expect Him to answer you. He is faithful. Your answers will come! Sometimes you will experience feeling “troubled” inside but are unable to discern what could possibly be wrong. You don’t know if it’s you or someone in your family that might be in trouble but you do feel that something must be wrong somewhere because you just feel “troubled.” You begin to think that maybe you said something you should not have said, or maybe you’ve unknowingly or knowingly sinned against God or maybe even one of your children could have done something and the alarm bells are going off on the inside of you. So – what do you do when you don’t know what’s wrong. First – REPENT! Ask God to forgive you for any unknown secret, or unintentional sin(s) that you might have committed. Ask Him to forgive any sins your family members might have committed. Second – pray in tongues until you feel a release of that “troubled” feeling. Realize that although you may not know what the trouble could be, the Holy Ghost knows all things. Ask the Holy Spirit to pray through you to the Father to affect whatever the situation is. Ask God the Father to honor your prayer in tongues, because you don’t understand what the problem is to be able to pray in your natural language with the understanding, and then pray in tongues until you feel a “release.” If you’ll pray in tongues, you’ll notice that after a while you’ll begin to “feel” better until you feel that burden lift off of you. Although you didn’t understand a word ~ 37 ~ of what you prayed about in tongues, believe that God heard, understood, and honored your prayer of faith! Anytime you feel troubled, or afflicted, PRAY. (James 5:13) There is one last prayer technique I want to tell you about….it’s what I call “crying out to God.” When something is really bothering me, or I feel burdened about a particular issue, it just comes to me that I need to “cry out to God” about it. When I feel this need, I just go off by myself – some place where I think no one else can hear me, and I speak out loud to God or talk to God, usually at the top of my lungs! I’m talking to God, just below the yelling level and I say exactly how I feel! I don’t try to be nice, religious, Christian, or whatever. I just tell Him exactly how I feel and what’s on my heart. I might say Something like this: OUT LOUD! GOD! HELP!!! I can’t stand so-and-so! I’m about to go crazy. You just got to do something about this! HELPPPPP!!! etc., etc., etc. You get the idea! What you want to do is vent! Tell Him in your own words exactly how you feel. This technique has always worked for me. For some reason, in my experience, these prayers seem to get through to heaven when nothing else works, sometimes when all hell breaks loose and you need help before you lose it, “cry out to God!!! Try it, you’ll like it but for this technique to work, you must be very transparent with God and extremely honest with Him. No airs, no pretense, no “correct theology,” no put ons and no lying!!! You have to be naked, open and extremely honest, telling Him exactly how you feel!!! Feel, not think! Can you do that! Sometimes in spiritual warfare, things get so intense, you need relief. This will help! (See pp. 58 for more concerning prayer.) 8. FASTING Fasting, in the context of spiritual warfare can be used to help you find answers you need, break the things of the flesh, break the power of the enemy, and will help you in getting your deliverance. Sometimes the enemy will attack you, and you don’t know what to do. If you’ll fast and pray, God will let you know what to do. Paul was being taken to Rome by the Roman soldiers. The enemy brought a storm up to sink the ship hoping to destroy Paul and all aboard. The situation looked hopeless but Paul prayed and abstained (fasted) from food and God sent His angel to let Paul know that there would be no loss of life and that they would all make it to Rome. Paul received the encouragement and the answers he needed. When you have given yourself to something and it has become a hindrance or habit and you need to break the power of the thing off of you, fast for a few days. The length of time you fast depends on the power of that thing and the strength of the hold it has on you. A good three day fast (whole day) will break most things of the flesh. If you have a habit you know you need to break, fast, and it will break. Fasting can break the power of the enemy: ~ 38 ~ a. If the enemy launches a direct attack at you and you’re threatened with some type of danger, fast and pray until God turns that thing around, destroys the weapon formed against you, and brings you out on top. (See pp. 61 for more on fasting.) b. If you have a problem with lust: 1. REBUKE that devil spirit in the name of Jesus. Say: “you foul spirit of lust, I command you to GO in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! I rebuke you and command that you leave me right now in Jesus name! GO! Right now, in Jesus name.” You won’t see these spirits leave, but they will leave! 2. REPENT: ask God to forgive you. Say: “Heavenly Father, I ask you to forgive me for masturbation, or looking at pornography, or looking at women or men to lust after them. I ask you to forgive me and deliver me in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. I thank you. Amen.” (If you are involved in pornography, See pp. 62.) 3. AFTER YOU PRAY, you might still “feel” the “lust” feelings in your members. You can take cold showers, or you can get alone and fast and pray until that thing “breaks,” but the best thing to do when your having feelings of lust is to close your eyes and begin to praise God. Praising God will get your mind off the object of your lust, and will usher in the anointing which will break the yoke. 4. IF YOU HAVE TAKEN “lust” to another level and you actually had intercourse or “outercourse,” with another person, you are in serious trouble because the Bible says in John 8:34, “Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.” Romans 6:16 says, “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey;…” Saved or unsaved, if you’ve yielded to sex sin, you become its servant! You will tell yourself and promise God that you will never do it again, but you’ll find yourself right back committing the same sex acts because you’ve yielded to it and it has now become your master. Through “lust” power, it will demand that you do it again, and again, and again. Because you have let it become your master through yielding to it, it will not release you. The ONLY one who can deliver you now is God Himself. There are many ways God can deliver you but if you can’t find a deliverance church or ministry, then the best thing for you to do is: 1. Get alone all by yourself! 2. Fast and fervently pray. REPENT! Ask God to forgive you, and ask Him to deliver you. ~ 39 ~ 3. Get down on your knees and fervently (very sincerely and intensely) pray until God’s power returns down upon you again. His anointing breaks the yoke. 4. Never again! Never again permit yourself to be alone with the opposite sex or any person you are attracted to again. Realize that you have too much to lose by continually engaging in sex, or sexual sins outside of marriage. If you’ve done it, repent and fervently pray until God re-anoints you. He will never leave you nor forsake you, but He is under no obligation to permit you to walk in His manifested anointing if you are disobeying His word. If you possess the anointing He is the most precious one you can ave. Lose all your money but don’t lose the anointing! If you can find a deliverance church, go forward in the prayer line and tell the ministers that you need deliverance and they will put you on the altar and work with you to get you delivered. If you know you’re going to ask to be delivered at church eat sparingly or not at all. Also, if you’re going forward for deliverance, wear clothing that you won’t mind getting a little ruffled up, because when the Holy Ghost does come upon you, you might cry, fall on the floor, roll on the floor, sling snot, spit up, jump and shout, or He might even slay you in the Spirit. Don’t wear your prettiest outfit with the large hat or your best men’s suit if you’re seeking help in getting your deliverance at church. In addition, in all these situations seek God concerning if you should fast completely and how long you should fast. These are serious matters. If He directs you to fast, know that there is a price to pay when you fast. You will get hungry. You will feel physically weak and sometimes cranky and lack patience. Your breath will stink. You’ll find you need less sleep at night but if you’ll fast, you can obtain dramatic results for the situations you face. When things become really serious, and God directs you to fast, obey and He will deliver and give you the victory! Also, as with all these sexual sin matters, be sure to go to a doctor to get the proper lab tests done to see if you’ve contracted any sexually transmitted diseases! Just do it! (See pp. 61 for more on fasting.) 9. REMIND SATAN THAT HE IS A DEFEATED FOE. When everything around you begins to go haywire or you detect the presence of the enemy and you begin to rebuke and resist him, part of what you can speak with authority to him is, to remind him that he is already a defeated foe. I have found in my experience that when the devils are lurking around, they will leave immediately when you begin to remind them of their end. When you tell them that Jesus defeated them and they are on their way to the Lake of Fire, they leave because they don’t like hearing that. ~ 40 ~ Say something like this, “Satan, Jesus Christ defeated you on the cross of Calvary 2000 years ago. Jesus’ “Blood” whipped you on the cross, Satan. You are trespassing on God’s property. I’m a child of the living God. I serve only one God and His name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of the Living God. You are defeated Satan, and you and all your other devils are going to be thrown into the Lake of Fire for eternity, and know it!” The devil hates to be reminded of his destiny! 10. BUILD YOURSELF UP AND STAY STRONG. To help build yourself up and stay strong, play and listen carefully to good quality gospel CDs that talk about Jesus. Purchase Jesus centered material. I prefer listening to my pastor’s teaching tapes while I am around the house because I want something that will stick to my ribs and stay with me. After a good 90 minute tape about Jesus, it seems to build me up and strengthen my spirit man. The Bible says, “So then faith cometh by hearing,…” (Romans 10:17) Jesus tapes or CDs will help build you up and keep you strong. That way, when the enemy comes to your house, he’ll run into superman (you)! 11. SING WORSHIP SONGS TO GOD. Another thing you can do is memorize worship songs from church hymnal books so you will already know the songs just in case you have to use them. Worship songs are a powerful weapon against the enemy. Get a collection of Jesus “Blood” songs. If you don’t know any by heart, you can find them in church hymnal books. Memorize the songs so you will already know them when the devil comes around or attacks you. You can start singing the songs. The devil doesn’t like to hear Jesus “Blood” songs because he knows it was Jesus blood that defeated him. The enemy also knows he can’t come pass Jesus blood. This is another powerful weapon against the devil. Titles of Blood Songs “Are You Washed in the Blood.” “When I See the Blood.” “The Blood Will Never Lose it’s Power.” “I’ve Been Redeemed.” “There is a Fountain.” “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus.” “I Know It Was The Blood.” “There Is Power In the Blood.” “O, the Blood of Jesus.” “The Blood Prevails” ~ 41 ~ And many, many, more but I believe these are some of the most popular songs. Memorize the words to these songs and sing them very loudly when you perceive the enemy lurking around. The enemy hate songs about “the Blood!” 12. RECORD GOSPEL MUSIC Begin recording your own collection of anointed gospel inspirational, worship and praise music. Go to a Bible Bookstore in the gospel music department and purchase worship music. Go home and from several generally “OK” CD’s, record a CD of your favorite worship songs and store it away where you can get to it. If you don’t already have any anointed music in your house, then go and purchase some from the gospel music section at a Bible Bookstore. I usually pick the CD’s which have titles that mention Jesus name. If Jesus name is not listed, I don’t purchase it. When I say anointed music I’m talking about music that helps bring the Holy Ghost upon you. When you’re listening to music and you feel the anointing, that’s anointed music. Make a CD with nothing but anointed music on it and store it away in a safe place where you know it is, and how to retrieve it when you need to use it against the enemy. When the devils are around, you get your anointed music CD and begin to play it. This is also a powerful weapon against the devil because when the Holy Ghost comes into a place, the devils have to leave! Also, make a CD with all Jesus songs on it. If you don’t have any Jesus songs or a few songs, then go to a Bible Bookstore to the gospel section and pick out gospel groups or artists. Check the back for titles of songs and look for the ones that have Jesus name in the titles. Purchase that CD, take it home and when you can find time, copy only the Jesus songs on a blank CD. Store the CD away in a safe place also where it can be easily retrieved to use against the enemy when you sense that he is around, in your house, car, or even your children’s room while they are playing. The devil not only bothers the adults, he also harasses children. If you discern that he is in the room with the children, you can pull out the Jesus songs, Jesus “Blood” songs, or the Bible on CD and turn it down low while the children are playing. Problems with the devil are greatly diminished with “Blood” songs playing as background music. 13. LISTEN TO THE BIBLE Go to the Bible Bookstore and purchase the KJV Bible on CD. I recommend that you play these CD’s in your home, day and night or as much as you can. You can play them loud or very softly, it depends on what you’re comfortable with. I play them because I find that the devils don’t like to hear the Word of God.They would rather leave than hear the story of Jesus and that’s what you want them to do. I would like to make two additional points. First, I recommend that at all possible you purchase your audio Bible from a Christian bookstore or dealer. Support Christian vendors because although you can purchase audio Bibles cheaper at large retail superstores, for the most part, ~ 42 ~ they are not Christians and their only motive is financial gain. If you support them and all your other local Christian bookstores close for lack of your support, and later on Christians become “the enemy” of society because we will not take the mark, these large chains will discontinue the Bible and with all the other small Christian stores closed because you did not support them, then where will you purchase your “Christian” materials! If we become “enemies of the state,” they’re close down all Christian internet websites, so where does that leave you! Therefore, if at all possible, buy from local Christian vendors. I realize that not all small towns have a Christian bookstore but just do what you can. If all you’ve got is a large retail superstore, buy it there. The second point I want to make concerns the possible problems you will encounter with your CD player. I have had perfectly fine machines, all of a sudden experience all kinds of problems. The CD’s won’t play, the sound goes bad, the machine, all of a sudden does not seem to want to play. Be advised…if the enemy is lurking in your house, you will experience technical difficulties with your CD’s and machines. Be assured it is not your machine but the enemy that can somehow hinder and cause a perfectly good machine to seem to malfunction. I have had perfectly good cassette tapes miss wind or do all kinds of crazy things. Therefore, if this happens to you, don’t let yourself get upset with the machine, it’s the enemy, not the machine. If you think there might be an evil spirit in one of your rooms in your house, or if “something” interrupts your kids sleep at night, play the New Testament on CD in that room but turn it down very low because you want to run out the devils, not the kids. By the way, if your child comes in your room at night and tells you there is “something” in his/her room, don’t think it’s just their imagination. You go in their room and command that thing to GO in Jesus name. Anoint the whole room with holy oil (blessed oil), plead the Blood of Jesus and go to sleep! Blessed oil is a bottle of virgin olive oil that you take to your church and let the anointed man or woman of God bless it for you. You take it home and “get busy” with it! To “anoint” a room means, you take the cap off the bottle of blessed oil, Pour a little oil on your finger tip, wipe it on whatever you want to “anoint” and say Something like this: “I anoint you in the name of Jesus, or I anoint you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!” etc. Also, make sure you anoint the doors and windows inside your house. After anointing everything you want to anoint in your house start binding, rebuking, and commanding the devils to get out of your house and off your property in Jesus name. You would say something like this: “Satan, I bind you and your imps in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I rebuke you and command you to get out of my house right now, in the name of Jesus. ~ 43 ~ For God’s word says in Matt. 18:18; “….Whatsoever I bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever I loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” In the mighty name of Jesus. For Jesus Christ gives me power and authority over you Satan, and by the power invested in me, I command you and your imps to GO, right now, in Jesus name. Amen. Afterwards, pray to Father God in the name of Jesus asking Him to disperse angels on your property, around the boundaries of your property, and station angels inside your house, throughout your house to shield, guard, and protect you and your family, etc. in Jesus name. Amen. 14. LET THE DEVIL KNOW WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST JESUS. Stand your ground. Let the devils know who you are in Christ Jesus. When the devils are lurking around never speak anything negative out of your mouth because they feed off weakness, self-pity and a negative atmosphere. They look for a weak spot to attack. If you’re whining and complaining about how hard your situation is, they’ll join in and feed you negative thoughts! Also, they’ll go one step further and begin to plant these thoughts in your mind: “Why don’t you just end it all! NOBODY CARES! If you die, all your troubles will be over! Why don’t you just end it all right now?” Just hearing those thoughts are not the problem. How you react to them will be. If you stand your ground, rebuke Satan and demand that he stop feeding you his negative thoughts, that you are “more than a conqueror” through Christ Jesus, that you “can do all things through Christ which strengthened you,” that “no weapon that is formed against you prospers,” that in Christ Jesus you are covered by the “Blood” and that “you have power over all his powers,” and that “no evil befalls you” and you command him to GO from you, the devils will leave you! However, if you remain in self-pity and begin to agree with what the devils are telling you, if you agree that if you die, no one would miss you and that all your troubles will be over, look out! Because now the devils will know your weakness and now they won’t just suggest that you end it all, they’re begin to pound you day and night and hound you just like a pack of wolves chasing a wounded deer! They’ll pound you day and night until you’ll finally say with your mouth “I just can’t take it anymore.” When you begin to say that, they know it won’t be long before you’ll finally break. They know that if they create just a little more trouble for you, they can push you over into a complete nervous breakdown, a stroke, a heart attack, and maybe even get you to end your own life or the lives of your family. How many news stories have you heard where the person said they heard voices telling them to destroy their family, so they did! If you don’t stay strong and stand your ground in Christ Jesus, if you don’t learn the language of faith and who you really are in Christ Jesus, the devils will cut your life short and you won’t complete the work God had for you to do! You would have failed in doing the will of God for your life. ~ 44 ~ Stand strong and when the devils begin to talk to your thought life, tell them “NO! Satan, I command you to GO from me because God is for me, who can be against me. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Phil. 4:13) and none of your weapons prospers against me because I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! GOOOOO! right now! GOOOOO! in Jesus name!” If you’ll do these things, and stay under the anointed word at your church, then you’ll turn the tables on Satan and you’ll get the victory! Amen. 15. GUARD YOUR THOUGHT LIFE. Guarding your thought life is absolutely essential to your survival! The Bible says to take into captivity every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. (2 Cor. 10:5) How do you capture something, you grab it. That’s how you capture thoughts. You zero in on the thought you want to eject and reject it! For example, a “lust” thought comes into your mind. You might say something like this… “I recognize you, you lustful thought. I reject you, I resist you, GO from me now in Jesus name!” I resist you, you demon of lust and I command you to STOP sending thoughts of lust into my mind. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command you to GO from me! GO right now in the name of Jesus!!! Father, I thank you in the name of Jesus that I am free and I ask you to cover my mind with the Blood of Jesus! Thank you for the victory in Jesus name. Amen.” Sometimes the evil thoughts will keep coming back. What do you do then? You overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). Turn the devils tricks back on him. Every time he brings a lust thought to your mind, pray for the person, who’s image or the situation that comes to mind. If you will pray or praise God instead of entertaining that evil thought, the devils will decrease the evil thoughts they send you. Overcome evil with good. Praise God instead of thinking about things you know you have no business thinking about and you know what I mean!! As Christians, we are also instructed to walk in love and one of the ingredients of love is, that, love “thinketh no evil;” (1 Cor. 13:5) Many times you will be misunderstood and people will say and do all kinds of not nice things to you. It’s your choice. You can get upset, hurt and offended or you can choose to believe the best in people. Until proven differently, give the other person the benefit of the doubt. Tell yourself “they didn’t mean it the hurtful way. They simply do not understand.” Or you can tell yourself “the devil is trying his best to get me offended at this person but I refuse to get offended and all bent out of shape, it will hinder the Holy Spirit’s flow through me, so I choose to overlook what they did. Where possible, do all you can to not permit yourself to “lose it” and the way to do that is to not be so quick to negatively judge people with harsh negative imaginations and judgements. Just don’t think evil. Why would you even want to? The sky is beautiful. The sun is shining and you’re going to have a ~ 45 ~ wonderful day today. Do not permit the devil to ruin your whole day by stealing and replacing God’s beauty with the ugly works that the devil uses. See the good. Experience the pleasant. Be gracious and kind, longsuffering and pleasant but don’t be a doormat. Don’t permit people to walk all over you but even when you must confront, talk, don’t fight in the flesh. You reap just what you sow. If you see only the negative and think evil, that’s exactly what you will see and get, but oh, if you’ll see God’s great creation and all that he is doing, if you’ll look for the victory, then even though your surrounded by a negative world, you’ll have sunshine in your soul. Again, it’s your choice. You can think evil or you can think on the things of God. As I write this I’m reminded of a story I heard about a man in a concentration camp in World War II. He thought: my body is in this camp but I can think what I choose to think. His body was in that camp but he, in his mind was enjoying God!!! Guard your thought life. Reject evil thoughts! Walk in love and in your mind, paint pictures of your coming success and victory that is given you by Christ Jesus! (1 Cor. 15:57) (See pp. 64 for more concerning, guarding your thought life.) 16. BEGIN TO THINK SPIRITUALLY. Begin to understand and operate in the fact that you are a spirit, a three part being (1 Thess. 5:23.) You are a spirit, that has a soul, that lives in a body. Other people are also spirits that inhabit bodies. When you are talking with people, you are talking with spirits. Understand that while you can see, touch and handle natural things in the visible realm, at the same time there is also an invisible realm operating. Heaven is in the invisible realm. Angels are spirits with bodies and evil spirits exist and operate all around you in the invisible realm also. Understand in a real way that Satan and his host of evil devils have declared war on you and yours. You have a choice to do one of two things. One, do what the Bible says and live, or two, do what you want to do and end up shipwrecked!!! The Bible says we wrestle not with flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. In other words, we are not wrestling with human beings but with spirits. In one Sunday morning worship service the Holy Spirit said unto us by a word of knowledge “when will you begin to believe me! I said, you wrestle not against flesh and blood – when will you believe me!” When things begin to go wrong all around you, don’t permit yourself to fly off the handle all the time. Yes, there is the flesh and yes, you need to get the victory over bad habits, negative thinking, and dysfunctional lifestyles, but don’t fool yourself, the devil does foment a tremendous amount of negative events in your life. I don’t mean that you should become devil conscious looking for and seeing a devil behind every tree and bush. To be devil conscious is to ascribe everything negative that happens in life to the devil. If your late for work “it’s because of the devil.” If you don’t get the promotion “it’s the devil.” In other words, anything that goes wrong is “of the devil.” NO – maybe you were late for work because you stayed up too late watching TV and maybe you didn’t get the promotion because you just plain mean and can’t get along with anyone. It could be any number of reasons but a devil conscious person blames ~ 46 ~ the devil for everything, even their own bad habits and shortcomings. They see the devil as the cause of everything negative. You should not be devil conscious, nor am I advocating that you should walk in fear; quite the contrary! What I’m saying is, know who you are in Christ! Know and powerfully use the spiritual weapons that God has given you. Walk in peace and joy, full of the Holy Ghost but also be aware of the fact that when things do start to act strangely negative and wrong, you take absolute control over them in the name of Jesus and by the power of His Blood! Begin to think spiritually. If the children begin to get agitated and cry for no apparent reason, bind the devil and plead the “Blood” over them in the name of Jesus, and then go on your merry way. If your spouse gets angry and starts to act up for no apparent reason, remember that you are not wrestling or fighting against flesh and blood! Smile at him, excuse yourself and go outside and wear the devil out! Bind him, rebuke him, hinder him, and exercise your authority over him in the name of Jesus and then return into your house and have a pleasant evening with your spouse. If it’s something you need to deal with in the natural – deal with it, but when people begin to act upset for no apparent reason, you let the devil know he will not upset, control or spoil your happy home. Don’t permit yourself to get angry, upset and hostile to flesh and blood (people). Don’t permit yourself to get over into the flesh and react in a negative way against people, because when you permit yourself to get angry in the flesh, you automatically lose the battle with the enemy. As long as you stay in faith, love, and forgiveness, the devil can’t get you to inflict harm on others. If you stay in faith i.e., believing what the word of God says, you won’t get discouraged, depressed or angry because you’ll realize that the negative situations you face are only temporary. You’ll know, in the end, that God will make everything alright. God can fix it and he will. I bumped into a secret I want to share with you. One time I was believing for something and it took a while, but when I got over into real faith, I felt and “saw” fear leave. It was strange because I didn’t know you could “see” fear. (Maybe that’s why animals react if you fear them. Maybe they can “see” that spirit of fear on you, and they are simply reacting to that spirit. (2 Tim: 1:7) Anyway, when I made up my mind what God said to me would absolutely, completely, with absolute certainty come to pass, I “saw” fear leave! When real faith comes, fear goes…it just goes! Stay in faith. Also, if you will maintain your love walk towards others, you make it possible for the Holy Spirit to flow through you and work. You will influence many for Christ and many will rise up and call you blessed. You’ll see the good hand of your God upon you, and you will prosper in the thing that God called you to do. Understand that it’s not by might, nor by power but it’s by the Holy Spirit working mightily through you. Understand that when you walk in love, you defeat the devil because you are walking in power and victory…Why? Because good have ALWAYS won over evil. In the great course of history, there have been times when evil has had its season, but love ALWAYS overcame evil and prevailed because God is love and there is no power greater than ~ 47 ~ God. There is darkness but when the light comes, darkness ALWAYS has to flee. Get up early and watch the sun rise. Notice what happens to darkness when the sun rises? Think about the implications this has for your situation. All you have to do to make the darkness flee is to bring your problem out into the light. When light comes, darkness will flee and you will have the victory. God is light and God is love. If you walk in love, you walk in the way of God and His ways are sure. He walks in power and victory. Walking in forgiveness is also a must if you want to defeat the works of the devil. Walking in forgiveness is a manifestation of your love walk. If you can’t forgive, then there is no way for you to ever walk with God or any human being. The only reason we are God’s children is because God forgave us. It’s because Jesus Christ paid the price that we might be forgiven by a Holy God. Consider for a moment…suppose God had decided to NEVER forgive you for your sins. Just how could you be saved? God is absolutely holy and without even a “HINT” of sin. You were born in iniquity and sin… just how could you possibly be included in His family and walk with Him? The only way was He accepted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ His Son, FORGAVE you when you ASKED and walked in love towards you. If you are to follow your Heavenly Father, then you too must accept what Jesus did for all of us erring humans and forgive. I tell you right now, if you refuse to forgive, then there is no way for you to have a happy home. There is no way for you to prosper in your relationships because we all make mistakes. At one time or another we all will offend somebody. You must follow in your Father’s footsteps and determine that you will also extend grace to people and forgive them. In the context of spiritual warfare, the enemy causes and uses offenses and hurts to cause you to disconnect with those God has placed in your life. Satan knows that in the multitude of counselors there is safety so he positions you, through hurts, to forsake others completely and to think you can make it absolutely on your own….that you don’t need anybody!!! This is a giant mistake because if you refuse the help, reject or refuse to yield to the godly influences and people that God puts in your life, then you just won’t make it into all that God had for you. If you want to walk in the fullness of God, then you’ll have to walk with Him and His people. When someone does something to offend you, choose to forgive, not because they are right or wrong, but overlook the offense to defeat the devil. The devil seeks to cut off your Holy Ghost flow by choking it out with bitterness, hurts and unforgiveness. FORGIVE – to defeat the plans of the devil. Many times when someone does something to offend me, I talk to myself and tell myself “FORGIVE because you don’t want the devil to win by breaking up this relationship!” Talk to yourself and tell yourself to not let the devils win!!! When someone does something that offends you and it really hurts and stings, give yourself a day or so to let your emotions come back down again and then CHOOSE to overlook the pain and forgive. Choose to forgive to also maintain your fellowship with God. Choose to forgive just to throw dirt in the devils face by letting him know that all his arrows, darts and formed weapons cannot ~ 48 ~ prosper against you. When you forgive offenses, your overcoming evil with good and in the Book of Revelation, you can read about all the rewards Jesus promises to those that overcome!!! Refuse to give the devil any place in you. Maintain your love walk with people. The Bible says, love never fails! That’s why the enemy wants you to get away from love and forgiveness and over into anger, hate, and bitterness because over there you can seriously hurt someone. You maintain your love walk, your stand, even if it means turning the other cheek. Turning the other cheek to gain the victory destroys the work of the devil because he can’t get you to act out in the flesh. The way to win is to forgive, grace and love people and resist the devil. Don’t permit yourself to turn it around and get bitter towards people and leave the devils alone because you don’t know or think they exist! When the devil comes around your home, rebuke him and kick him out, not your spouse and children. Have a happy life, free from drugs, alcohol, tobacco, lusts of all kinds, and demonic oppression. Become Jesus conscious, lead by the Holy Spirit in all you do. Walk in the spirit speaking to yourself about the glorious things of God. Sing spiritual songs unto the Lord and enjoy your salvation. Go to church and shout, and have a real good time but when the devil tries to interrupt your joy, don’t stand for it! When he comes, get busy and throw him out! Get your mind back on Jesus and enjoy the goodness of God! God is good. He gives us the victory every time through our Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!!! ONE LAST WORD OF WARNING Understand in a real way that the things that happen to you are not accidental. For example; you will be walking along just enjoying the Lord, having a good time fellowshipping with Jesus and a fine-looking, well-built young lady with a skirt up to her belly button will “accidentally” drop her keys and bend over right in front of you to pick them up. Don’t be naïve, the devil is out to defile your thought life if you stare at that woman. If a man walks into your office with the sweetest smelling cologne you ever smelled, with tight clothes bulging in all the right and wrong places, you better turn away and look the other way woman! This society just drips with sex and sexual images. In the first instance, the devil hopes you will defile yourself with lustful thoughts, and then maybe become involved with these provocatively dressed people through desire. Then he hopes you will be fool enough to begin to talk with the physically attractive people he sends your way. The Bible says, the lips of a strange woman (or man) drop as an honeycomb (Prov. 5: 3-5), and her mouth is smoother than oil: but her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell. The Bible says, strangers will flatter you. Their talk will be smoother than oil but God says, have the sense to know this and don’t permit yourself to be fooled by flattery, smooth talk and a charming smile! The Bible says, to keep away! It gives you the solution to this situation. The Bible says, for you to…STAY AWAY (Prov. 5:8) Stay away from the person who flatters, stay away from the smooth talker, in other words, stay away from people who try to come on to you! If its not of the Holy Spirit – leave it alone! Satan wants to involve you with these smooth talking people to damn your soul to hell and if you’re a married person you better not (even in your thought life) get involved with someone else. Listen, if you’re married and permit yourself ~ 49 ~ to be talked into an affair with someone else, it will mean certain disaster, not the good time you think it will be. First, sin will harden you and will ruin your fellowship with God! You will find you no longer even desire God or the things of God and miss the good destiny that God had for you. Second, through the years, I have noticed something very odd about those who cheat on their mates. I’ve noticed that they never end up with the person who they cheated with so it all ends up being a complete waste. Satan used the person to forge a wedge between you and your mate, and when the bond is broken, they’re off and out of your life leaving you with nothing, so it was all for nothing! Third, you ruin your family, your children, and your spouse. They will be “nice” and tell you they got over it but no one forgets their mom or dad who cheated and broke up the family! Fourth, I’ve found with cheating people that in talking with them at length, time after time that it never even occurred to them that they might have contracted some social disease which they bring home into their family before it breaks up! I’ll talk with a person in an affair and ask them, “have you gone to a doctor to get a check up” and they’ll ask me, “for what?” I find that these people don’t even THINK! They imagine that the world is their own little private playground to play with whoever comes along. PLEASE!!! More harm has been done by smooth talking, charming, flattering people than you can imagine. The Bible says, flattery worketh ruin (Prov. 26:28)! Think of all the out of wed-lock babies brought into this world because someone smiled and said, “I love you.” I can tell you that more marriages have broken up because again someone smiles, showed some interest and the victim was silly enough to fall for it and ruined their God given family because the devil sent “the most wonderful person you ever met, right across your path.” Learn to say NO to the devil! Say NO to the temptations he sends your way. Learn to say NO to the lusts of your own flesh! Either learn to say NO, or let the lusts of your own flesh and the devils destroy you. It’s up to you. You can be strong and turn your head, or you can be weak and fall for a pretty face, a beautiful smile and charming words. “You look so nice today!” It’s inspired by the devil! It’s a trap, and don’t you fall for it! The Bible says, in Ephesians 6:10-18: 10“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of ~ 50 ~ the wicked. 17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;” You, “be” strong in the Lord and in His power. Get built up in the Holy Ghost. Be strong and stay strong in the Lord. Read the Bible every day. Eliminate or cut way back on television because even when you are watching television it means you are not reading the word. You are not praying. You are not meditating on new creation realities that are yours in Christ Jesus. Watching TV is not the same thing as doing and it’s the doers of the word that reap the blessings, not the watchers. Put on the whole armour of God that will make it possible for you to stand against the devils. Understand that when people begin to act up or things begin to go wrong, the person standing in front of you is not your enemy. The Bible says, that you are not wrestling against people (flesh and blood) but against the spirit(s) behind or motivating the people. Understand in a real way that the devil is the enemy, your family and friends are not the enemy but can be manipulated, through weaknesses in their flesh, to act up and even come against you. When speaking to human beings, if a rebuke is necessary speak plainly, directly and use as few words as possible. However, when speaking to devils speak sharply with power and authority. Command these devils, in no uncertain terms, to leave immediately, and tolerate nothing less! Gird yourself or operate in the truth for the Bible says, that nothing can be done against the truth! You are justified and made righteous through faith in Jesus Christ! Walk in love and peace taking the shield of faith which will quench ALL the fiery darts of the devils. If you will maintain your steadfast faith in God and His goodness, you will quench all the evil thoughts the devils try to inject in your mind. Hold fast to the word of God that says, He is a good God! Quench any thought to the contrary! Reject all the negative suggestions of the enemy. Know that you are saved because God’s word says so, and speak the word against the devil because the word is your sword and all soldiers have swords (weapons). Your sword, the word of God, will cut the devils and edify or build up the saints of God! Speak the word. Pray! Pray in the Spirit! Pray for yourself but remember to pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ. May God bless you as you continue on in Him. ~ 51 ~ NOTES TO THE RECIPES DEMONIC ATTACK. Just as visible human beings can attack and injure you, invisible evil spirits which we call “demons” can and will attack you also. First of all, the word “demon” does not appear in the KJV Bible. It uses the word (s) evil, wicked, or unclean spirits to describe what we call collectively “demons.” evil spirits: Luke 7:21 “And in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits;….” wicked spirits: Matt. 12:45 “Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself,…” unclean spirits: Matt. 12:43 “When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.” The reality is that invisible, evil, wicked, and unclean spirits do exist and will attack you and destroy you if you permit it. The demons or devils only come to you for one reason and that is to reap havoc on you if you permit it. The Bible says in John 10:10, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:…” The thief is just another name for the devil. He comes to steal your health, your job, your kids, your peace, etc., etc., etc., or to kill, you, your family, anyone he can; or to destroy any of the above and more. Some other spiritual realities you must know to survive. The devils are evil, wicked, and unclean: Luke 7:21; Matt. 12:45; Matt. 12:43. evil devils (demons; evil spirits) can oppress people: Acts 10:38. “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.” evil spirits can enter and leave people. Matt. 12:43. “When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man,…” “Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out,…” evil spirits can even possess people: Acts 16:16. “And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of ~ 52 ~ divination…” evil spirits (demons) can attack you themselves or enter into other human beings and attack you using them. Matt. 8: 28-32. 28“And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. 29And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? Art thou come hither to torment us before the time? 30And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding.” 31So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine.” 32And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters.” Take notice that the devils were in the two men possessed with them. The devils made these possessed men exceeding fierce! When the devils left the men, they entered the swine (pigs) and the devils themselves attacked the minds of the swine causing them to commit suicide by running down into the waters. Attacks through others: always remember this. the devil is a user! That’s because he himself is a peek squeak. He is so small and insignificant that he knows nobody would fear him if they actually saw him! See Isaiah 14: 9-17. 16“They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; 17That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?” Because he is not the huge, powerful creature that you think he is, he uses other evil spirits and other creatures including human beings to project his power and achieve his ends. He used the serpent in the Garden of Eden to trick man out of man’s dominion over the earth. He attacks the minds of men, to blind them (2 Cor. 4:4) And will kill, steal, and destroy them (John 10:10), and here is the hard part for you, dear reader, to digest…God will let the devils steal, kill, and destroy you if you permit it! God has already made provision for you to become completely, 100% safe and sealed by His Holy Spirit. I’m not talking about the temple you live in (your body). I’m talking about you. You are a spirit, that lives in your body. That’s another reason you need to read your Bible and attend church to learn all these realities. When you become saved and born again, God’s Holy Spirit seals you and nobody can pluck you out of God’s hand. However, if you choose not to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, not only can the demons attack you and pull you down to hell, but it’s 100% certain they will in one way or another. If you’re not saved, you don’t stand a chance against the kingdom of darkness. Not only don’t you stand a chance, but you might now know all this exists until after your physical ~ 53 ~ death and you enter into eternal separation from life. Even if you’re born again, the devils will still attack you to try to get you to destroy yourself. They will attack your mind with wicked thoughts, offenses, pride, and prejudice, impure oppressive and negative thoughts. They will attack your finances. They will attack your family (Job, Chapter 1). They will attack anything related to you to so discourage you that unless you are a committed Christian, you will turn away from the church and God! How can you tell when you are under demonic attack: There are so many thousands of ways to trick and discourage human beings that to catalog even hundreds of them would require another book, but here are a few basic indicators of demonic attack. - irrational anger; anger for no real reason. - others, or you start getting offended at others for the smallest reason. e. g. before, you could talk to the person, all of a sudden, whatever they say gets you offended fast! - sudden ailments, sickness, or infirmities. - you start feeling depressed or discouraged, suicidal or thinking about hurting, or even playing with thoughts of murder. - wicked thoughts; unclean, impure thoughts. Any kind of hostility or anger for no reason. - feelings of rejection, inferiority, failure. - feelings of being overwhelmed because of responsibilities. - you just feel an “evil” presence in the room. - panic attacks. - the children begin to cry, are agitated for no reason, or you just can’t seem to get them to quiet down. - you look up and for a split second you see a dark figure that disappears so fast your not even sure that you saw it. Or, you see something move out of the corner of your eye. - irrational anger, anger for no real reason. You or members of your family get angry for no substantial or rational reason. - you start getting offended at others for the smallest things. - all of a sudden ailments or maladies. - you feel attacked in your spirit – “troubled.” - wicked thoughts (suicide, discouraged, depression, despair, murder). - real anger (destructive). - feelings of being overwhelmed. - normal things: e.g. phone, computer, fax machine, stereo, disc player, TV, etc. start to act up for no reason. - wicked dreams and nightmares. - lose things. Can’t remember things. Car on the road start acting up or breaks down. - people start to react to you wickedly, say things to cut you deep! - confusion, or anything that disrupts peace. - you embrace prejudice becoming a fool, (Prov. 10:18; 1 John 2:11). - pride, superiority, or high-mindedness. Tear you down, or puff you up! Pride blinds you. ~ 54 ~ The reason the enemy works through these things is that human beings consider these things as “normal” to everyone. Who hasn’t been depressed. Who hasn’t had a wicked thought. But, if these were truly normal, why would the Bible tell you to cast down wicked imaginations. Why would God provide for healing, both natural and supernatural. Why would the Bible tell you to resist the devils. The devil uses these things because you think they are normal and won’t fight against them. When the devil attacks your mind with suicide thoughts, instead of alarm bells going off, you just surge it off or wallow in self-pity telling yourself how nobody cares and how all your troubles would be over if you did it and you continue to entertain those thoughts. Let me warn you, the devil is mean, uncaring, wicked creature and there are frightful, tremendous, eternal consequences to pay if you don’t learn, from God’s Holy Bible, how to shut the devils down in your life. They will drive you crazy, and kill you and your family! BE AWARE If you’ll having wicked dreams or nightmares, the devils are on the attack but its probably because you’re causing it to happen without realizing it. Wicked thoughts and dreams tell us your either watching too much TV or, without realizing if you’ve become too preoccupied with things of this world or yourself. It tells me that you’re not spending enough time reading the Bible, or praying. Be honest with yourself. Do you read several chapters of the Bible each day? Have you spent much time in prayer? Answer these questions honestly and if you haven’t spent enough time in the word and prayer, REPENT and go on to victory. QUOTE SPIRITUAL WARFARE SCRIPTURES In addition to the warfare scriptures already given you, you need to memorize the following scriptures which are a basic core group of necessary information that you need to know. There are hundreds more, but this will get you started. SALVATION “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) “And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” (Acts 16:31) “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” (Romans 10:9) BEING BORN-AGAIN Jesus said, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3) ~ 55 ~ Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” (John 3:5) Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.” (John 3:7) “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? (Luke 11:13) BAPTIZED WITH WATER Jesus said, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Mark 16:16) Then Peter said unto them, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” (Acts 2:38) BAPTIZED WITH THE SPIRIT OF GOD John the Baptist said, “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:” (Matt. 3:11) These are the very basic scriptures you should know. You might ask: “What do salvation scriptures have to do with spiritual warfare?” My answer would be that the devils thrive on ignorance! If you don’t even know that you are saved or born-again, or where that is in the Bible then how on earth are you going to be able to stand your ground against the incessant attacks against your mind! Some things you just must know! There are many aids to help you with your memorization plan. My husband uses index cards. If you don’t have any index cards, go purchase a pack. Sit down and write a scripture on each card. Carry them around with you and start memorizing them. You can also store your scriptures you write on index cards into a small photo album so you can carry them around with you and have them handy when you want to memorize or just look them over. This is a technique that my husband taught our members in the church to do because he does it continually. Three examples of the power of the Blood of Jesus! 1. We use to live twenty-five miles southeast of Dallas, Texas. Most of the time the weather is hot but still pleasant with bright blue skies. On occasion, however, we experienced wind storms. The wind will begin to blow so hard that we could hear it whistling past and against the house. Most of the time we would take little notice but there were times when we realized that if the wind were to continue blowing at that rate of force, that houses and property could be severely damaged. One wind storm blew so hard that it presented a clear and present danger. The house shook and fear of what it might do began to rise up in ~ 56 ~ us, so we began to plead the Blood of Jesus over our house and community for several minutes. It took a while, but after several minutes the wind began to die down and after about forty minutes the wind ceased with no damage done to our home and the immediate houses around us! The next morning as I drove through the community of brick homes next to our community, I saw tremendous devastation to their homes. Almost every house had roof damage. One home had its roof completely torn off, while another had caught fire and almost burnt down completely. I drove back to my section of our community and it was tranquil and quiet. Sheryl and I are convinced that had we not pleaded the Blood of Jesus over our house and community that severe damage would have been done to our home also. Thank God for the Blood of Jesus! 2. One night as we slept, Sheryl woke up with a persistent cough. She coughed and coughed and after several minutes I awaken listening to her cough in the dark night. I lie there expecting her to stop at any moment but the coughs continued and persisted. Finally, realizing that she was experiencing real difficulty, I turned over, sat up and asked her if she was alright. When she didn’t answer but continued to cough I had to go into action. I began to pat her on the back, and plead the Blood of Jesus. In just a few moments the cough began to subside just a little but continued. I got out of the bed, walked around to her side of the bed, got in next to her enabling me to comfortably lay my right hand on her body all the while pleading the Blood, and by the Holy Spirit a long prayer began. “Lord, I plead the Blood of Jesus over Sheryl’s body. The Blood of Jesus covers her head. The Blood of Jesus is going into her brain, saturating her brain, her eyes, her sinuses. The Blood of Jesus is filling up her nasal cavities, filling up her mouth. It’s going down her neck, the Blood of Jesus is filling up her chest, going into the lungs. the Blood, the Blood, the Blood is entering each organ of her body. It’s filling up her kidneys, going into her liver, all her glands, her pancreas, all the organs of the thorax and abdomen, its flowing into her pelvis area, down into both thighs and into her knees, down each leg and into each foot. The Blood, the Blood, the Blood of Jesus covers her entire body,” etc., etc. I continued to pray like this for about an half hour and at the end of that time I noticed that the cough had completely stopped and Sheryl had fallen into a deep, peaceful, restful sleep again. Thank God for the Blood. No emergency room for my Sheryl. The Blood of Jesus gave us the victory again! Thank you Jesus!!! You may do as you like but as for me and my house, when danger arises, we’ll plead the Blood! 3. One evening while watching TBN on television, a preacher was talking about the fact that he had produced three different tape sets concerning the Blood of Jesus and how powerful he found pleading the Blood to be. Well, that got my attention because I knew that to be true. I knew that pleading the Blood of Jesus works, so I wanted to order his tape series but the devil hindered me. When the name, order number, address, and phone number of the tape series came on the screen, I was unable to get the correct information. When I went to the internet, I couldn’t seem to get the order page to work for me. My computer, ~ 57 ~ that usually works, didn’t seem to want to work. However, it just so happened that one of the members of my church use to attend the church of this preacher so he had the telephone number of the preacher’s church. I called the number and the phone would ring and go dead. I redialed and it rang one or two times and then the phone went completely dead! I thought it was my phone or the phone line and just hung up intending to call back later when it occurred to me that it might be the enemy trying to prevent me from getting any further information on the Blood! I got angry at the devil and began to bind and rebuke him. I began to plead the Blood of Jesus over the phone. I tried to call again and this time the call seem to go through but then went dead again. I hung up the phone and continued pleading the Blood over and over and over again. “I plead the Blood of Jesus over this phone. I plead the Blood of Jesus over these phone lines, etc.” I tried to call again and each time, it seemed the call would get further and further along. For instance, the time I called, I got a dial tone, it switched to the number I called. But, that time it didn’t go dead but rang, and rang, and then switched off. Here we go again! I began to plead the Blood again, “Lord, I plead the Blood of Jesus over this phone, over the phone lines, over the computers, over the switching stations. I plead the Blood of Jesus over the remote computers, over their phone lines, over their phones. Lord, I plead the Blood of Jesus over all the phone hardware, software, over anything that has to do with the connection of this call. Lord, I claim the victory in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Blood of Jesus. Amen.” I called the number again and after several clicks I heard, “Hello, may I help you. I ordered my “Blood” tapes. The Blood of Jesus did it again! PRAYER Whole books have been written about prayer, but when you distill it all down, it comes down to you understanding that prayer is one of your most powerful spiritual weapons. It’s power rests in the fact that when you pray, you’re calling down all the resources of heaven to help you. You are calling on God Almighty Himself, the creator of the heavens and earth to come to your aide by the power and anointing of the Holy Ghost sealed up in the authority that’s in the name of Jesus. You’re asking for intervention on your behalf based on the promises that if you ask, you shall receive. There is tremendous power in prayer as evidenced in several stories in the Bible. Jesus Christ Himself is the intercessor at God’s right hand for you. You will receive what you need from God. You will make it because Jesus is praying for you…Hallelujah!!! If Jesus Christ of Nazareth is praying for you, and He is, who should you fear? What person or situation or circumstance should you be afraid of? If God be for you, who is it that can stand against you and God! Ask and ye shall receive! Some people, even some Christians have this notion that Christians are weak. All we do is turn the other cheek and let anyone who cares to walk all over us. They think we are doormats and when anyone steps on us all we do is bless them for it and cower away praying that God will bless them abundantly and leave us in our place as doormats. ~ 58 ~ People view us as weak because they don’t understand the power in the life of walking in the Spirit and the power in the life of prayer. You pick up on their lack of understanding when you hear them say things like, “I’ve tried everything I know to do, and there is nothing left to do but pray.” They view prayer as that thing which you do when you run out of other things to do. If nothing else works, you break down and ask the preacher to pray and maybe he “can get a prayer through,” because he is a preacher and maybe God will listen to him. It’s necessary here for a brief discussion of strength and weakness because Jesus Christ is no doormat. He said all power in heaven and earth is in His hands and He, by His Spirit, lives in us! The world uses natural weapons like knives, swords and guns in their conflicts with each other and all this is done on the natural level. Jesus Christ clearly understood natural weapons but He came to shed light on a higher level of warfare and weaponry. On the natural level, people are the enemy. The natural progression for their destruction is: offenses, bitterness, hatred, revenge, and destruction. For example, for whatever reason you become offended at a person. This offense works at the emotional level to produce bitterness and then hatred. In all kinds of subtle ways it manifests itself in forms of revenge and payback. When a person gives himself fully to his hatred, it propels him to seek the destruction of the object of his hatred. On the natural level, there is no way to cut this cycle off or stop it. The hatred and bitterness can last a lifetime and although it’s covered with politeness and pretended civility, the hatred and anger will eventually break through on family members, spouse, or friends and on the object of hatred. This was man’s lot for millennium but then came Jesus Christ of Nazareth… Hallelujah! He taught men that they could transcend and live on a higher level, a higher plain, a higher realm. He shed light on the fact that we, as men, were not wrestling or warring against flesh and blood (people) but unknown to us, there were unseen spirits that were operating and motivating men to do and act the way they do. There was another power that could supercede all this unseen wicked power to shut them down completely and far from having no power, He gave us power over all their power if we would believe Him and do what He taught us to do! He taught us to get born-again so God the Father could translate us into His kingdom. He also taught us to get filled with the Spirit and ask God to let the Holy Ghost come upon us. We are to walk in the Spirit (by speaking! to ourselves in songs, hymns, and spiritual songs, ministering to the Lord) (NOT by watching TV!) and when and if offenses come we could cut off that cycle of offenses, i.e., bitterness, hatred, revenge, and destruction by practicing forgiveness! He taught us that we could stop this cycle dead in its tracks by forgiving, if necessary forgiving 490 offenses in a day (Matt. 18:21, 22)! We forgive quickly not because we are weak, but because we understand that deadly cycle and desire to cut it off before offense becomes bitterness, then hatred, then revenge, then destruction of both parties and it takes strength to forgive. It takes strength not to be overcome of evil, but to overcome evil with good! When evil strikes a person with its poisonous fangs of hatred and revenge, it takes strength, (not weakness) to shut that poison down by not letting that poison of hatred and revenge remain in you. You turn away not because you’re weak, but because you know where hatred will take you! Jesus said, “those that take the sword would perish with the sword.” We are not weak, ~ 59 ~ we simply understand that not walking and staying in the Spirit will get us over into the natural plain and on that plain, revenge and destruction for all will be the end result. I agree with Jesus if I saw where an argument was going and knew that if I backed off or even turned the other cheek, I could avoid an escalation of the conflict that could result in someone getting really hurt or killed, I’d turn the other cheek. Not out of weakness, but to shut down the evil spirits that were seeking the destruction of all the parties and you could call me “weak” all you want too, but I know that these are really spiritual battles! I also know that if I take the natural sword, that means my own destruction, the only way to shut Satan down is not to ingest his poison, I’ll walk in love, and forgive people before hatred (Satan’s poison) builds up in me. When I do that, then I will overcome evil with good and that’s not weakness but strength! You’ll doing it God’s way and not the way of the flesh which seeks revenge for every offense! Choose to walk in love; in the Spirit; in forgiveness and you will walk in power and in the victory! Another reason we pray is because we know that it’s God that changes things and that He will in response to sincere, fervent prayer! The fact is that as a result of prayer whole nations have been changed. The Spanish Armada was the largest fleet of ships ever assembled up until that time. As it sailed against England, the English saints prayed! The Armada never made it to England. In World War II, the Germans were better equipped, had better planning and logistics with better leadership. They had a sizable head start and had tremendous momentum going for them, but the saints of God prayed and this superior force was defeated! In the days of Charles Finney, in some towns all the bars would close as a result of fervent prayer. We, as Christians understand the awesome power of prayer because our God is awesome. He does the miraculous when we pray. I’ve seen the video “Transformations” by the Sentinel Group where in one town all the jails were closed because they had no criminals. The saints of God fervently prayed and all criminal and alcoholism stopped. The Chief of Police had to close all the jails because all criminal activity stopped because almost everybody in the town got saved!!! Now that’s power! The unsaved think we have no power because we don’t use natural guns, and bombs. They interpret prayer as nothing…as weakness. The saints of God in New York told me that in one particular year, the crime in New York actually went down. They said, it was the result of their large church praying around the clock, twenty-four hours a day, all day, that God would work and have His way in New York. When the crime statistics went down, the mayor took all the credit citing increased policemen on the streets as the cause. Even the unsaved know when something is happening in their midst but they attribute it to natural causes because they know nothing of the power of prayer! Jehoshaphat was in serious trouble in 2 Chronicles 18:31. Enemies had surrounded his nation, but he cried out to God in prayer and the Lord heard him and helped him by causing his attackers to depart from him. Jesus was facing a serious trial the night before His crucifixion. He prayed all night and that prayer season was so intense that it was like drops of blood coming out of Him. That prayer gained Him the grace necessary to face and endure what no other man ~ 60 ~ in history could, to win your redemption. What power! There is tremendous power to all of us as we tap into God’s power through prayer. The early church needed power to witness with boldness so they prayed for what they needed. After they prayed (Acts 4:31) the place where they were was shaken and their prayer pulled down the power and glory from heaven. As a result of their prayer, they were all refilled with the Holy Ghost! Their prayer had pulled down God the Holy Ghost. We Christians have weapons, but our weapons are not carnal but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds and one of your strongest weapons is the effectual, fervent prayer, which the Bible says, avails much!!! If you want real results – PRAY! FASTING Prayer is powerful, but if things get critical, add fasting to it! Oh, could I talk about fasting at length. There’s fasting for spiritual reasons, health reasons, including the detoxification of your body, reducing cholesterol, weight reduction and rejuvenation of your body and so many more reasons to fast. There is partial fasting, complete fasting, water or juice fasting, fasting from things you love as a sacrifice unto God, fasting to break the lusts of the flesh, etc., etc., etc. Again, there are a multitude of books concerning fasting and do yourself a favor, buy and read several of them educating yourself on this important practice. The aspect of fasting I’d like to touch on briefly is fasting, in the context of spiritual warfare. When you are in serious danger or the situation is most critical, you need to add fasting to the effectual fervent prayers to Almighty God. We can see this clearly in the Book of Esther. The story in brief is: Mordecai, the Jew was a devout man who believed in Almighty God, the creator of heaven and earth and refused to bow down to anyone but the God of heaven. Haman was a pagan of high rank next to the king, and it was expected that all persons, except the king and queen, were to bow down to Haman as he passed through the streets. However, Mordecai the Jew refused to bow down to Haman which infuriated Haman. Haman got offended, then angry, then bitter and then resentful. Then the story gets really ugly, for because of his anger against one Jew, Haman opens himself up to receive and operate in the spirit of hatred and revenge and he, with his wife and friends, using witchcraft begin to scheme and plot the destruction of Mordecai the Jew. People who give themselves over to the flesh and operate in unforgiveness, resentment and revenge do not understand what they are opening themselves up to receive. In Haman’s case, not only did he desire to kill Mordecai, but that spirit that inspired him caused him to also plot the destruction of all the Jews throughout the entire kingdom. Due to his pride and arrogance, without realizing it, Haman when he played with the supernatural to plot the destruction of other people, received into himself the spirit of genocide. Now, the spirit of genocide is an extremely dangerous spirit. When it gets offended or angry, it plots not only the death of the offender, but also all the ~ 61 ~ offender’s family, race, clan, kind, or religion (Esther 3:6). This is a murdering spirit and will even pay its own money to destroy (Esther 4:7). This evil spirit waits and plots behind the scenes, in secret, waiting for just the right time to strike back (Esther 3:7; 5:10). This spirit usually operates at the very highest levels of government. It does so because only governments have large enough armies, police forces, special teams, or outright thugs necessary to destroy a whole people group. This spirit tends to gravitate towards the head of governments so it can gain the authority, usually through one man, to unleash the armed forces against its enemy. The devil used one man, Hitler, to control an entire nation and unleash havoc against all the Jews in Europe. Imagine that, by entering one man, this spirit gains a whole nation and gets its revenge on whomever it wills! In the book of Esther, we see that this evil spirit also seeks the help from the supernatural realms to help it accomplish its desires (Esther 3:7). This spirit is a lying spirit. It will lie about you to gain an advantage over you and waits until an auspicious day when it’s the “time” for darkness to prevail, then it springs its trap (Esther 3:12). That’s why you don’t see it in operation every day because it plots, schemes and waits for just the right time to do its evil work. Haman got offended, then angry, and his anger lead him to hatred and prejudice against all Jews and lead him to plot the destruction of an entire race of people. However, by the providence of God, Queen Esther and Mordecai got wind of the plot and what did they do…they all agreed to fast and pray for three full days! After three days of prayer and fasting, God gave Esther favor to walk in on the king uninvited. He received her and God began a chain of events that quickly lead to the hanging of Haman by the king, and the reversal of all the plots against the Jews. Note this…what was it that saved a whole race of people from certain destruction? Prayer and fasting to God Almighty. Prayer and fasting saved a whole people. If that’s not power, what is? PORNOGRAPHY Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines pornography as: “The depiction of erotic behavior intended to cause sexual excitement.” Pornography is a very powerful spiritual sin. It’s powerful because lust is a driving, compelling, all consuming driving force, and its spiritual because its effects start out in the heart or spirit that are unseen. Looking at pornography seems so innocent because after all, your “only looking” so where is the sin in that? The sin, of course, is in disobeying God and it does not matter whether you know or don’t know what God commands. If you engage in pornography you will have engaged powerful spiritual forces which, over time, will certainly take you down. Pornography is like drug addiction, you start off just having fun, and if continued, you end up in the gutter dead! The whole experience is a step-by-step progression downward to hell. It’s like drugs, the person just looking to have some fun starts off on marijuana. In time, the next step down is cocaine, then heroin, and then crack but (here is the part where the death experiences come in) in this progression downward, not only does the person do the drugs, but they are also introduced to a whole series of other sins that in and of themselves can kill. For example, while high on drugs, you will be introduced to all kinds of sexual encounters. If continued, you ~ 62 ~ will be introduced to all kinds of deviant persons, violence and social diseases like AIDS. While high, you will be tempted to fly (jump) off buildings, swim rivers, race your car through the streets slamming into walls, or any other form of suicide. As if drugs were not enough, you expose yourself to all kinds of other dangers that can kill you. Even something as innocent as going into a bar to get another drink can result in some one putting drugs into your drink and you will end up unconscious having been raped, or in a tub of ice with one of your kidneys removed or worse. You want fun, but you can end up dead! So it is with pornography. One starts out “just looking” and can end up dead. Let’s see how this can happen. Jesus said in Matt. 5: 27,28: 27“Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY: 28But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” A person begins this long journey by “just looking” at erotic pictures. Without even realizing it, lust begins to rise up in the heart, which as Jesus said, causes one to have committed adultery in the heart which violates God’s commandment. God said in Exodus 20:14, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” In addition, Jesus said if you even look on a person lusting you’ve broken God’s commandment which is a sin. Sin brings a person into bondage. Romans 6:16 says, “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? In other words, if you yield to sin, you become the servant of sin and sin leads to death!!! Without realizing it, if you sin, you put yourself back under the power of sin. That’s why Satan puts great temptations in front of you because he wants you under the power of sin. Even if you are a born-again believer, you will come to the place where you must obey sin in the lusts thereof. Only God can break this powerful sin!!! (repentance to God because its His law that says thou shalt not commit adultery!!! Exodus 20:14). The great danger of pornography is that it is a captivating sin of the spirit, soul and body! If a person, of their own volition, partakes in pornography, it takes dominion over them and you become its slave (John 8:34). It then leads you on to the next step downward. It will lead a man away from his home, away from his wife and will lead him to the foul dens of sin, the night-clubs with the snake dancers. There he is exposed to other and greater sins of the mind and flesh. Because his flesh is in control, he then yields to physical sins: drinking, smoking, cussing, hanging out all night, actual physical fornication and adultery, then on drugs, multiple sex partners, same sex partners, sex with children, then on to sex with animals and on down to chains and whips (bondage) and down and down until in the end you will be destroyed. Exposing yourself to this sin will gradually expose you to other sins and you will continue to go down! Just like drugs take you progressively down, the danger with pornography is it does the same thing. Looking at the erotic is hypnotic and captivating and if you continue to “stare,” it will draw you in. Eve, in a perfect environment, stared at the forbidden fruit and in time ate it. ~ 63 ~ Take a lesson from her. Never gaze on the forbidden. Its forbidden, by God, for you to look on anyone to lust after them. Never gaze on what God forbids no matter how innocent it seems! If you’ve been involved in pornography, turn away right now. REPENT and live or yield to the flesh and die. You choose but know this, BE SURE YOUR SIN WILL FIND YOU OUT! GUARD YOUR THOUGHT LIFE The number one complaint that I hear from disaffected married couples is, “I married the wrong person.” That is a lie from the devil. What’s the probability of the 50% of the couples that get divorced, and half of the people that stay married, all saying that they all made the same mistake, they married the wrong person. All of them made the same mistake? Hogwash. The devil attacked their thought life with that idea and they entertained the thought and 50% acted on these evil thoughts and got divorced! When a person calls and says they want to commit suicide, that no one really cares, and that all their troubles will be over if they just end it all, again, that is a lie from the devil. If you were to commit suicide and go to hell, your troubles would not be over, in fact, you would have just introduced yourself to an eternity of troubles, the torments of hell and the lake of fire! If you are born-again and commit suicide, you would have just lost all your crowns in heaven for not remaining faithful until the end (Rev. 2:10). Would Jesus say to you, “Well done, thou good and _________ servant:?” (Matt. 25:21) Don’t believe the lies of the devil. If you commit suicide, your troubles will not be over, don’t believe that lie, the fact is, you will be in for an eternity of trouble and sorrow. To prove it, just look back on your own life. Anytime you didn’t do things God’s way, did it lead to peace and all your troubles being over, or did it lead to sorrow and regret? If you don’t guard your thought life, believe the lies of the devil and commit suicide…you will receive an eternity of regrets! When people call and say “I know what the Bible says but you just don’t understand.”Oh, I understand. I understand that if you don’t renew your mind to the Word of God, you WILL be double-minded and therefore, UNSTABLE. Half of the time you will hear and believe the Bible but the other half of the time, you’ll excuse yourself from hearing or doing it because we don’t understand your “special circumstances and situation.” I understand that if you’re double-minded, you will be unstable. I understand that you are not unique, that other people have and are going through just what you are going through. I understand that the devils will push you back from making any progress in any area of your life. They do this to annoy you, frustrate you and discourage you and to do everything in their power to hinder you in all you do that you’ll want to just give up! The devils want to prove to you, through your own negative experiences and failures (which they cause) that God’s Word ~ 64 ~ does not work. They know that if they can hinder you just long enough, you’ll get so frustrated that you’ll throw your hands up and give up on God. You’ll quit! They know if you quit God, you’ll backslide back into sin and sin will destroy you. When Balak asked Balaam to curse Israel so his people could conquer Israel, Balaam said no because God had told him not to curse the people. To get around what God had said, He told Balak in effect, I can’t curse them to destroy them but there is another way to destroy them, get them to engage in sin…sin will destroy them. So Balak got Israel to intermarry with his people. The Lord told Israel not to intermarry with these people. They did and hundreds were destroyed. The devil knows, he himself can’t destroy you because you got the Holy Spirit living on the inside of you, but if he can so frustrate you and get you to give up on God, if he can get you to go out drinking, smoking, and fornicating again, sin will destroy your fellowship, calling, and victory in God! You’ll lose all your rewards and pine away in a mental institution, prison with the homosexual or lesbian spirits, or hospital ward with AIDS. When you finally come to yourself – if you ever do, all your substance would have been wasted with riotous living and even if you return to your Heavenly Father at that late date, your inheritance will be still gone with no treasure in heaven for you. In heaven, when others are throwing their crowns at Jesus feet which they received for faithfulness, what will you have to give? When others will have treasure in heaven for giving to the poor on earth, you will be broke, and why, because you gave up and backslide. You won’t receive the crown of life for remaining faithful and why, all because you did not guard your thought life. The Bible says to take into captivity every thought! God says wicked thoughts are an abomination to Him. In the definition of love in 1 Cor. 13:5 it says love “thinketh no evil.” If you want to walk in love, cast down evil thoughts! You cannot stop every evil thought from coming into your mind but if one comes, tell it “NO! I will not think that about my mom or dad, brother or sister, wife or husband, child or children, uncle or aunt, pastor or deacon. NO! NO! NO! I command you to GO! In Jesus name!” GO from me, right now! To counteract feelings of being overwhelmed, remember to take one day at a time and then one task at a time. Do not permit the devils to bombard your mind with several “to do” items in a row because your anxiety and blood pressure levels will quickly rise out of sight and if you permit this to continue, you will have a nervous breakdown. If you’ll having a lot of wicked, evil, or dirty thoughts, you are watching too much TV, or other avenues of trash! Forsake the trash and meditate in the Word. By meditate, I mean think on the things in the Bible. There are devastating consequences for not guarding your thought life. If you are born-again, your spirit is sealed by the Holy Spirit but the devils will take over your mind, and drive your flesh into temptation and sin! If you refuse to resist the devil in your thought life when God tells you too, you will regret it. You will lose your high position in God! After they sinned by ~ 65 ~ disobeying God, Adam and Eve were still physically alive, but they were put out of the Garden of Eden. They lost their position in God! You don’t want this. Renew your mind. Guard your thoughts. If the devil tells your thought life you no longer love your spouse, tell him he’s a liar. If he tells you to end it all, you tell him to get away from you in the name of Jesus. If God lead you to a church but the devils are telling you about how much more that giant mega-church has, that it will be so much more beneficial for your kids, that your husband will benefit from all the added activities than that little church God told you to attend. Tell Satan to shut up and go away! That you will do God’s will! If Satan causes the most beautiful woman you ever saw to bend over right in front of you to pick up her car keys which just happened to fall out of her hand, you turn your head! Train yourself to look from the neck up only. If a man walks in the church built like a professional football or baseball player, you discipline yourself to look from the neck up only. Not only must you hear about holiness at church, but you must train yourself to walk in holiness. If you’re married, watch yourself. Don’t be alone with the opposite sex and you know just what I mean. Guard your thought life and guard your holy conduct. Another essential reason to guard your thought life is, negative thoughts will kill your faith life. You cannot make one faith confession and then take and receive trash all day. Throw the trash out and walk on in victory. Who’s report will you believe. Will you choose to believe the Word of God or will you choose to believe what the devils bombard you with all day. The path to victory is to believe and hold onto the promises of God, and reject whatever clever thoughts Satan is trying to capture your attention with. Again I say, for your own profit, reject negative thoughts. Don’t analyze them, reject them! Again, guard your mind from the lies of the devil. You will only do that when you come to the realization that God’s way is right and what the devil says, regardless of what he says, is a lie! How can you know for yourself that anything the devil says is a lie and is to be rejected? It’s so because 1. Jesus said the devil is a liar, and the father of it, because there is no truth in him (John 8:44). You can believe Jesus, He never lies! 2. Open your eyes and just look around you at the people who did not live their lives God’s way. How did that homosexual get AIDS? Was it because he got into a relationship that was of God or not? Who spoke to his mind and suggested that he has the right to choose how he wants to live…that he should do anything he wants to do regardless of what God or anyone else thinks about it. Look at the women who separated and got divorced from their husbands because the devils bombarded their minds with the thoughts of how peaceful it would be, and all the benefits they would have when separated from their husbands. The enemy fills their mind with all the shortcomings, faults, and negative behavior of their spouse and because faith cometh by hearing, they hear and entertain these negative thoughts day after day, all day long until out of the abundance of a negative Satan-thought filled heart, they act by grabbing the kids and fleeing the house leaving that old grizzly bear husband to struggle for himself. What do they find? Did Satan tell them the truth? NO! What the majority find is poverty because they don’t have an income. There is no breadwinner, they must go out into the world to work leaving the children all alone. The ~ 66 ~ Bible says, children left to themselves will bring their parents to shame! It’s only after the grades in school fail, the children rebel, drop out of school, end up in negative sexual relations and fall, that the parents realize that the devils lied to them. And, if the parents are not careful and committed themselves, their own need for love, companionship, and sex will drive them into sin and backsliding behavior all because the devils told them how much better off they would be to just drop their spouse. Look for yourself. Are people who believe the lies of the devil happier or sadder when they break up their families and divorce? Are their children happier or do they become angry at one parent or the other for the breakup. You look for yourself. What happens to people who will not endure and do things God’s way? Search it out for yourself. What happens to people who rebel against the Word of God? The devils will come to your thought life and tell you to do just what pleases you and to do what you want! Have enough sense to reject all negative thoughts and the lies of the devil. If you want to live, then you simply must do things God’s way and He says to cast down wicked imaginations and every evil thought. It’s your choice: guard your thought life and live, or listen to the lies of the devils and let them steal, kill, and destroy you, your family, and everything that you have. ENOUGH SAID! LAST WORDS If you don’t know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, here is your opportunity to choose where you will go when your time is up on the earth. You have a choice. Choose “heaven” and spend eternity with Jesus Christ or “hell” where there is no escape, fire and brimstone, wailing and gnashing of teeth, torment, worms dieth not and the fire is not quenched, to be cast into everlasting fire. You feel everything that is happening to you in hell. The same five senses God gave you when He created you are the same five senses you take with you into hell if you choose to go there. DO THESE THINGS: 1. You must be sincere in your heart and REPENT of your sins. REPENT means to change your mind about sin and stop doing it (Matt. 3:2; Luke 13:3; Acts 2:38). 2. ASK JESUS TO SAVE YOU (Romans 10:9). You must be saved. 3. Be baptized in water (John 3:5). Baptism symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and that you are a new creature in Christ: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new (2 Cor. 5:17). 4. Ask Father God for the gift of the Holy Spirit, (Matt. 7:7, Luke 11:10; 11:13). 5. Ask Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Ghost. Please be sincere and really mean it from your heart when you come to Jesus. You can fool man but you can’t fool God because He knows if you’re real or not. ~ 67 ~ SAMPLE PRAYERS I want to leave you with some sample prayers you might use to get what you need from God. If you want to be saved, pray: “Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, I confess that I’m a sinner. I ask you to forgive me of my sins. I believe in my heart you died on the cross for my sins and that you paid the ultimate price for me. Save me, Lord Jesus. I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead and you are alive today. I receive you now as my Lord and Savior. Thank you, Lord Jesus for saving me. Amen.” Prayer For Asking To Be Baptized With the Holy Ghost: “Father God, in the name of Jesus I REPENT of my sins. I ask you to forgive me. According to your Word in (John 3:3, 5, 7; Luke 11:13; Matt. 7:7; and Luke 11:10) you said, if I ask you for the gift of the Holy Spirit that you would give Him to me. Lord Jesus, you said I could ask you for anything (John 14:14). I ask you to baptize me with the Holy Ghost. Thank you for your precious gift. Amen.” If you’re backslidden i.e., somewhere in your life, you intentionally or unintentionally turned your back on God. You use to know Him, and belong to Him but you just drifted away. Rededicate yourself. Prayer of Rededication: “Father God, in the name of Jesus. I confess that I’m a backslider. I REPENT and ask you to forgive me of my sins knowingly and unknowingly. Lord Jesus, I’m sorry for turning my back on you. I want to rededicate my life back to you. I realize I can’t make it in this world without you. I need you in my life. Thank you for accepting me back into the kingdom of God. In Jesus name. Amen.” ~ 68 ~ CONTACT INFORMATION. Pastor Aaron B. & Sheryl T. Williams P. O. Box 212776 Columbia, S. C. 29221 (803) 292-1802 (Pastor) cell (469) 474-1323 (Sheryl) cell awilliams@iamjesusholyghostchurch.org swilliams@iamjesusholyghostchurch.org ~ 69 ~ ABOUT THE AUTHORS AARON B. WILLIAMS, is the Pastor of the “I AM JESUS HOLY GHOST CHURCH” in Columbia, South Carolina. He holds a B. A. degree in Psychology from Federal City College, Washington, D. C., and is a graduate of RHEMA Bible Training Center, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, Class of 1991. SHERYL T. WILLIAMS, was born in Durham, North Carolina. She received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior at the age of 24 and comes from a “holiness” background. Prior to 1995, the Holy Spirit began to permit Sheryl to “See” into the spiritual realms. In addition, God communicates with her in visions and dreams. Sheryl is a graduate of RHEMA Correspondence Bible School in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, Class of May 2003. She is a licensed, ordained “Evangelist” assisting her husband in the ministry. She is an extraordinarily fruitful “soul-winner” leading many to Christ. She resides with her husband in Columbia, South Carolina. ~ 70 ~