About Us

Church History

The Lord spoke to Pastor in the latter part of 2005 in Crandall, Texas to start a new work in South Carolina. After confirmation from the Lord, we stepped out in faith and obedience to go where God wanted us to go.

We relocated from Crandall, Texas to Aiken, S. C. The Lord spoke to Pastor Aaron again and instructed him to move to Columbia, S. C. Pastor made arrangements for us to relocate to Columbia, S. C. In the latter part of August 2009, the Lord spoke to Pastor and instructed him to start a new ministry.
The first week of September 2009, Pastor started The I AM JESUS HOLY GHOST CHURCH in Columbia, S.C. We started with three members, and we are growing.

We are a JESUS centered ministry who loves JESUS with all our soul. We worship the Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth. We love to sing songs about the Lord Jesus and lift HIM up in our praise and worship. Our pastor teaches us the Word of God. He gives us the “meat” of the Word. When led by the Holy Spirit to do outreach, we go out into the communities to witness, preach, and tell people about Jesus, pass out Bible tracts, pray for the sick or people’s situations and circumstances.

We strive to tell the truth and most important of all, to win souls for Christ because that’s what it is all about, that is…JESUS, the Savior of the world!

Pastoral Staff

We are a friendly group. Our humble leaders have been volunteering in their communities for many years, and they bring with them the ability to lead, to inspire, and to flow with the Holy Ghost.

With over 30 years of ministry experience, our leaders provide The I Am Jesus Holy Ghost Church with the inspiration and direction to keep it flowing in the vision that God has given to us.

We are a Christ centered church with the only motive of getting people born-again and walking in the victory that Jesus has provided for them.

Aaron B. Williams
Pastor and Founder

Established The I Am Jesus Holy Ghost Church in Columbia, South Carolina during September 2009 by the grace of God. Pastor Williams holds a B. A. degree in Psychology & Counseling from Federal City College, Washington, D. C. and is a graduate of RHEMA Bible Training Center, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, class of 1991. He has one son and one grandchild.

Sheryl Thaxton Williams
Pastor’s Wife/Evangelist/Founder

Born in Durham, North Carolina. She graduated from Durham High School in 1975, Durham Technical Community College in 1978. She is a graduate of RHEMA Correspondence Bible School in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, class of 2003. She was ordained an evangelist, January 9, 2010. She is a licensed, ordained evangelist assisting her husband in the ministry.


Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, develop a powerful New Testament church of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ:

  • a church that powerfully impacts the community in which it’s in. a powerful teaching church and ministry.
  • a powerful praise and worship center.
  • a church that helps put Jesus Christ back into the community.
  • a church that helps people to understand that Jesus Christ is, the answer to all their problems.
  • a church that powerfully influence individuals to receive Jesus Christ as both their Lord & Savior and to become born-again,
  • IMPORTANT: a church proclaiming the end-time message i.e.,
    Warning This Generation:
    NOT TO worship the coming beast.
    NOT TO worship his image.
    NOT TO receive his MARK IN their foreheads or hands. (Rev. 13)

This means that we must warn everyone that from this day forward they must absolutely refuse to take any marks(s) or tattoos on our bodies, refuse any kind of chip(s) injected under our skin or in our bodies, and refuse any loyality oaths to any man proclaiming himself to be God.
We must proclaim the end-time message! (Rev. 14:9-11)

Questions & Answers

It’s “long” because we wanted to honor all the members of the Godhead!
It’s “long” because we wanted to honor all the members of the Godhead!
We are a non-denominational congregation that seeks to follow the Bible. In other words, the Bible is the final authority with us. If we can find it in the Bible, we follow it. If we can’t find it in the Bible, we cut it off regardless of what it is!

We found, in the Bible, that Jesus Christ observed Saturday Sabbath worship. His disciples (as converted New Testament Saints after His ascension) observed Saturday Sabbath worship. We then realized that the only reason we had observed the Lord’s Day on Sunday was simply because everyone else around us did and it had not occured to us to question that. We found that Sunday worship was just a tradition and not scriptural for we could find no where in the Bible where the Lord, the disciples or anyone else in the Bible changed the worship day from Saturday to Sunday.

So we said “goodbye” to tradition and followed our Lord in the observance of the day He observed – Saturday observance. We are not a cult. We are not Seventh Day Adventists, although they are wonderful clean living individuals. What we are is, born-again, Jesus loving people who strive to follow our guide book, the Bible. In the Bible, they “went to church” on Saturday, and so do we!

In Texas, Pastor Aaron Williams had a dream in which he saw a large sign that read “ASK JESUS TO SAVE YOU.” Within the week Pastor commissioned a sign with the same words written thereon and placed it on his front yard for all to see. It is the shortest gospel message he had ever seen. It is the Gospel message in short form from heaven. God gave it in a dream and so God’s sent message goes out on all our communications. God knows the reason for all things.

Contact Us

We want you to know that you belong here, you are welcomed here, and you are wanted here! We would love to get you connected with us and help you with next steps to salvation.

Service Times

Tuesday night – PRAYER – 7:00 p.m.
Sabbath Friday Service – 7:00 p.m.
SATURDAY Sabbath Day Service – 12:00 noon.

Ask Jesus To Save You!